Mechanical Engineering Design


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Mechanical Engineering Design: Solutions Manual


Shigley J., Mischke C. and Budynas R., «Mechanical Engineering Design: Solutions Manual»
McGraw-Hill | ISBN:0072921935 | 7 edition (July 15, 2003) | 120 pages | PDF | 2.89 Mb

The seventh edition of Mechanical Engineering Design marks a return to the basic approaches that have made this book the standard in machine design for over 40 years. At the same time it has been significantly updated and modernized for today's engineering students and professional engineers.

Working from extensive market research and reviews of the 6th edition, the new 7th edition features reduced coverage of uncertainty and statistical methods. Statistics is now treated (in chapter 2) as one of several methods available to design engineers, and statistical applications are no longer integrated throughout the text, examples and problem sets.​


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اگه میخواید لینکی رو که در سایت دیگری دیدید اینجا بگذارید حد اقل کاری که میتونید بکنید اینه که اول خودتون تستش کنید. این لینک رو من دیروز تو سایت
که فایلش پاک شده بود.

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