اخبار ایران به زبان انگلیسی ( Iran News )


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Rouhani vows to slash inflation rate by over 10% by March 2015

Rouhani vows to slash inflation rate by over 10% by March 2015

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says his government plans to decrease the inflation rate to below 25 percent by the end of Iranian calendar year 1393 (March 20, 2015).
In a television interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting on Tuesday night, Rouhani outlined his administration’s achievements in their first 100 days in office and his plans for the future.

The inflation rate is projected to be 35 percent at the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2014), IRNA quoted Rouhani as saying.

“First, the administration plans to curb the inflation rate and reform the banking system, and then change the method of (cash) subsidy payments,” he added.

Rouhani said his administration inherited an economy with a 5.8 percent contraction rate and an inflation rate of over 40 percent, according to the Central Bank of Iran.

However, the Statistical Center of Iran announced that the inflation rate for the 12-month period that ended on October 22, which was the last day of the Iranian calendar month of Mehr (September 23-October 22), hit 36.2 percent, which was a 0.2 percent rise compared to the previous month.

On October 27, Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Ali Tayyebnia said that the government plans to reduce the inflation rate by 6 to 7 percent by the end of the current calendar year (March 20, 2014), ISNA reported.

Through curbing the runaway liquidity growth in the country, hopefully the inflation rate can be decreased, he added.

Central Bank of Iran Governor Valiollah Seif recently said he will focus on controlling liquidity and bringing down inflation, as President Rouhani has agreed to separate monetary and fiscal policies, giving the central bank more independence.




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Rafsanjani says final Iran deal could come within a year

Rafsanjani says final Iran deal could come within a year

TEHRAN – Iran’s Expediency Council Chairman, Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, has raised hopes of a comprehensive nuclear deal with world powers within a year.
In an interview with the Financial Times in Tehran published on Monday, Mr. Rafsanjani, 79, declared that Sunday’s interim deal was the hardest step because it meant overcoming decades of diplomatic estrangement with the U.S. going back to the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

“It was breaking the ice, the second stage will be more routine,” said the former two-term Iranian president, sitting serenely in his book-lined office.

Many analysts in Tehran and Washington warn that the next phase of negotiations will be very difficult.

But Mr. Rafsanjani was determinedly optimistic. “Part of it (the breakthrough) was because talking to the U.S. was a taboo. That taboo could not be easily broken and nuclear talks could not move ahead without the United States.”

He said Iran had no interest in developing nuclear weapons and dismissed Israeli threats of a military strike to curb its nuclear program. “Israel is so small; no small fish can eat big fish.”

Mr. Rafsanjani is leader of the so-called conservative pragmatists who have long argued against Iran’s international isolation, and were alarmed by the confrontational policies of the former president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

In the interview, the top cleric referred to the damage to the economy wrought by sanctions and the populist policies adopted by Mr. Ahmadinejad.

He expressed hope of a turnround in the economy in the next two years, especially if foreign investors come in and support sectors such as aviation, the oil and gas sectors, petrochemicals, shipping and railroads.

Despite being barred from running in the June presidential election, Mr. Rafsanjani struck an alliance with reformers that helped to catapult his ally Hassan Rouhani to the presidency.

But the more rational approach of Mr. Rafsanjani, who has now seen many of his fellow “Rafsanjani-ites” appointed to Mr. Rouhani’s administration, was vindicated. “The people recognized the way the country was run would not benefit them.”

He made clear that Iran has no intention of abandoning its nuclear program, but rather intended to bring it in line with the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty that allows for the peaceful development of nuclear power.

This mirrors the view of the Iranian government, which would like to preserve its low-level uranium enrichment program while providing sufficient assurances, through inspections and other forms of compliance, that its nuclear program is only meant for peaceful purposes.

“The limitations set by international laws are acceptable to us. The Non-Proliferation Treaty is acceptable to us. Anything more than that would be considered imposed on us.”

Mr. Rafsanjani and his allies have also been worried about growing tensions with Saudi Arabia.

Mr. Rafsanjani is one of the few Iranian political figures who has enjoyed good relations with Saudi leaders. In the interview, he said he was ready to travel to Riyadh and had been invited by King Abdullah to perform last month’s hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage. His intention would be “to reassure them (the Saudis) that friendship with Iran benefits the region and both countries.”

But he hinted that Iran’s leaders first needed to agree on policies of de-escalation. A future trip needed preparation and a decision within Iran on “how we are going to deal with (Saudi Arabia) in a win-win situation.”

In addition, Mr. Rafsanjani acknowledged that Iran “can play a better role” in Syria than it is doing now, but said the fate of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would ultimately be decided by Syrians.

“If the Syrian people accept it, it seems to be no problem (for Assad to step down)...,” he said. “We have no right to interfere.”




مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Iran unveils new radar system

Iran unveils new radar system

TEHRAN – Iran unveiled its newest domestically manufactured phased array radar system, named the Asr (Era), in a ceremony held in Tehran on Wednesday.
The commander of the Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, and the deputy commander of the Iranian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Abdolrahim Mousavi, attended the ceremony.

The Asr radar system has a range of 200 kilometers and is able to simultaneously detect and track up to 100 targets.

The Iranian Navy had previously announced that the radar system would be installed on a number of the country’s naval warships.




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Recent developments have created good opportunity for closer Iran-UAE ties: Rouhani

Recent developments have created good opportunity for closer Iran-UAE ties: Rouhani

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says that recent developments have created an ideal opportunity for the expansion of political and economic relations between Tehran and Abu Dhabi.
Rouhani made the remarks during a meeting with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Tehran on Thursday.

The Iranian official also expressed hope that the two countries would seize the opportunity to increase their bilateral cooperation.

He said that Iran and the United Arab Emirates had always had close cultural and economic relations, adding that the Islamic Republic regarded the progress of the Persian Gulf Arab state as its own progress.

For his part, the UAE official said that his country was hopeful that the relations between the two countries, particularly economic cooperation, would be expanded as quickly as possible.

Pointing to a recent deal forged by Iran and world powers in Geneva over the country’s nuclear program, Sheikh Abdullah said that the deal had created a new positive atmosphere in the region.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said that the UAE was proud of its friendly relationship with Iran and called for the establishment of a joint economic commission to help pave the way for increased economic cooperation between the two countries.

Iran attaches high importance to bilateral ties with neighbors

In a separate meeting with Sheikh Abdullah on the same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the Islamic Republic attached high importance to its relations with its neighbors, particularly with the friendly and brotherly country of the United Arab Emirates.

Zarif also pointed to the current favorable atmosphere and said that Iran was ready to increase its cooperation with the Arab country in all areas.

The UAE official also said that Tehran and Abu Dhabi had always been close trade partners, adding that his country intended to strengthen its partnership with Iran.




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Iran oil minister in talks with western energy firms

Iran oil minister in talks with western energy firms

Iran has begun talks with potential investors in its energy industry, oil minister Bijan Zanganeh told the Financial Times, after Tehran struck a nuclear deal that may help western oil giants move back into the country someday.
Iran is home to some of the world's largest oil and gas reserves, but U.S. energy firms have been barred by Washington from Iran for nearly two decades.

Many of Europe's biggest oil and gas companies had planned multi-billion dollar investments to help develop Iranian reserves. But U.S. pressure drove them away from Iran in the late 2000s for fear of jeopardizing their U.S. interests.

Iran and six world powers reached a deal on Sunday to curb Tehran's nuclear program, in exchange for limited sanctions relief, but strict U.S. and European Union bans on investments in its creaking energy sector remain firmly in place.

But Zanganeh told the FT he had already met with European companies and "indirectly" with U.S. groups to prepare for the day when they might be allowed back in by their governments.

During his previous stint as oil minister Zanganeh succeeded in getting France's Total , Royal Dutch Shell , Norway's Statoil and Italy's Eni to invest in the country which needs western technology to fully exploit its vast reserves and help export more gas.

These companies were among those he hoped to attract back to work in the country if sanctions were lifted.

Iran's share of the world's largest gas field remains a major attraction for European oil and gas majors that were working on the huge field that Iran calls South Pars before U.S. sanctions drove them away.

"Definitely, yes, we will go back, when and if the sanctions are lifted," the chief executive of Total, Christophe de Margerie, told a news conference in Abu Dhabi in early November. "(But) we will not make a single move until this period starts."

A senior Iranian industry official had said on Tuesday the deal should make it easier to export Iran's oil, thanks largely to plans to ease a European shipping insurance ban.

But Zanganeh told the FT in an interview he did not expect any immediate impact on Iran's crude oil exports.

European Union (EU) officials said on Monday some sanctions on Iran might be relaxed in December, but it could be January before the necessary legislative changes are made.

(Source: FT)


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Malaysian museum to hang Iranian calligraphy works

Malaysian museum to hang Iranian calligraphy works

TEHRAN – Works by a number of Iranian calligraphers will be showcased in an exhibition at the Islamic Arts Museum in Malaysia.
The exhibition, which will open on December 10, will put works by over 30 other artists from 8 countries on display.

The museum has announced that the exhibit will run until May 10, 2014.

Veteran calligraphers Nasrollah Afjeii, Karamali Shirazi, Mohammad Bozorgi and Ahmad Mostafa are among the Iranian artists whose works will be displayed, said Art Advisor of the museum Farah Hakemi.

The museum has been looking for commonalities between modern art and old Islamic art, and the result has become a collection of a variety of artworks, she added.

The museum is home to a valuable treasure of Islamic art collected from the Middle East, East Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.




مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Rouhani says govt. plans to create economic epic in South Pars

Rouhani says govt. plans to create economic epic in South Pars

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday his government plans to create an economic epic in the South Pars gas field.
South Pars gas field is the largest independent gas reservoir in the world lying on the territorial border between Iran and Qatar in the Persian Gulf.

“The determination of the government of prudence and hope is a creation of economic epic in the South Pars as the capital of the country’s energy,” Rouhani said as he toured the phases of South Pars under construction.

Rouhani toured the phases of 12, 17, and 18 of the gas field on the shores of the Persian Gulf on Saturday afternoon. Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh and managing directors of the mentioned phases accompanied the president in the aerial inspection.

Prior to visiting South Pars, the president, along with a number of cabinet members, also visited the area hit by a strong quake on Thursday night in the southern province of Bushehr.

The president visited the injured in the Persian Gulf Martyrs Hospital. Rouhani also visited the quake-hit city of Borazjan.

Eight people were killed in the earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale. 195 people were injured and nearly 300 houses were damaged by the quake. The houses suffered damages between 10 to 60 percent.




مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Domestically overhauled warship rejoins Iran’s naval fleet

Domestically overhauled warship rejoins Iran’s naval fleet

TEHRAN – A domestically overhauled warship, named the Lavan, and a domestically overhauled SH3D helicopter rejoined the Iranian Navy in a ceremony held on Saturday in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.
The commander of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, attended the ceremony which was held on the occasion of National Navy Day.

A Navy official said during the ceremony that the project to overhaul the 3,000-ton Lavan warship, which is able to carry battle tanks and personnel carriers, had taken 254,000 man-hours in 33 months.

Rear Admiral Abbas Zamini said that in the process of overhauling the warship, 12,000 parts had been indigenized, 6,400 faulty parts had been replaced, 195 systems had been completely repaired, and 89 systems had been optimized.

On the SH3D helicopter, he said that in the process of overhauling the aircraft, its engines had been upgraded, its radio and weapons systems had been optimized, and its electronic systems had been indigenized.

He also said that the anti-submarine helicopter was able to carry missiles and torpedoes.

According to ISNA, the Iranian Navy also took delivery of a domestically manufactured hovercraft on the same day.




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مدیر تالار
Global investors will soon return to Iran’s car market: OICA chief

Global investors will soon return to Iran’s car market: OICA chief

TEHRAN – Global investors will return to Iran’s car industry in the near future, according to the president of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, also known as Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d'Automobiles” (OICA).
Addressing an international conference on automotive industry in Tehran on Saturday, OICA chief Patrick Blain said Iran’s car market is profitable for foreign investors.

Iran has the potential to be among the world’s top ten carmakers thanks to its high economic potential.

He also said that Iran’s car industry will significantly grow in the near future.

French carmakers Peugeot and Renault look to be among the clearest beneficiaries of the interim deal that lifts some sanctions on Iran, with both hoping to leap back into the Middle East's biggest auto market, AFP reported.

One of the explicit concessions world powers made in the accord signed on November 24 in exchange for Iran temporarily slowing its nuclear program was the promise to "suspend U.S. sanctions on Iran's auto industry".

PSA Peugeot Citroen was the top car manufacturer in Iran before the sanctions, selling 458,000 vehicles in 2011 in what used to be its second-biggest market worldwide after France.

Renault sold 103,000 vehicles there last year before leaving. Iran itself counts car manufacturing as its second-biggest industry after oil, accounting for 10 percent of its gross domestic product.

Before the sanctions, there were 1.4 million new cars entering its market. After the sanctions, that number fell by more than a third -- but it still remains the biggest market in the Middle East, more than twice as big as Saudi Arabia.

Iran to resume cooperation with Mercedes Benz

Meanwhile, the president of Iran’s leading carmaker Iran Khodro said that the company will resume cooperation with Mercedes Benz once the sanctions are lifted.

Hashem Yekkeh Zare’ added that negotiations are underway with Peugeot to manufacture new cars in Iran, according to the Mehr News Agency.

Peugeot and Renault are among the leading companies which invested in Iran’s automotive industry, he added.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Iran plans to absorb $70b for oil and gas industry: minister

Iran plans to absorb $70b for oil and gas industry: minister

TEHRAN – Iran plans to absorb $70 billion for its oil and gas industry, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Saturday.
The Oil Ministry has prepared a roadmap for investment in the oil and gas industry for the next 8 years, IRNA quoted Zanganeh as saying.

The main priority will be placed on completing semi-finished projects in joint oil and gas fields, especially the development of the South Pars gas field, he explained.

Expansion of petrochemical units and refineries will be the second priority in order to prevent from selling crude oil, he said.

Earlier this week, Zanganeh said Iran has begun talks with potential investors in its energy industry, after Tehran struck a nuclear deal that may help western oil giants move back into the country someday, according to the Financial Times.

Iran and six world powers reached a deal on Sunday to curb Tehran's nuclear program, in exchange for limited sanctions relief, but strict U.S. and European Union bans on investments in its creaking energy sector remain firmly in place.

But Zanganeh told the FT he had already met with European companies and "indirectly" with U.S. groups to prepare for the day when they might be allowed back in by their governments.

These companies were among those he hoped to attract back to work in the country if sanctions were lifted.

Iran's share of the world's largest gas field remains a major attraction for European oil and gas majors that were working on the huge field that Iran calls South Pars before U.S. sanctions drove them away.

"Definitely, yes, we will go back, when and if the sanctions are lifted," the chief executive of Total, Christophe de Margerie, told a news conference in Abu Dhabi in early November. "(But) we will not make a single move until this period starts."

European Union (EU) officials said on Monday some sanctions on Iran might be relaxed in December, but it could be January before the necessary legislative changes are made.

Iran holds the world's third-largest proven oil reserves and the second-largest natural gas reserves, and plans to use foreign companies for various oil and gas related projects.

The country's total in-place oil reserves have been estimated at more than 560 billion barrels, with about 140 billion barrels of extractable oil.

Moreover, heavy and extra heavy varieties of crude oil account for roughly 70-100 billion barrels of the total reserves.




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We have accepted Iranian nuclear enrichment: ex-CIA chief

We have accepted Iranian nuclear enrichment: ex-CIA chief

TEHRAN – Retired U.S. General Michael Hayden claims last month’s nuclear deal with Iran marks a reversal from previous agreements with the United Nations, according to Politico.
“We have accepted Iranian nuclear enrichment,” the former CIA and NSA director said on “Fox News Sunday”, claiming the agreement conflicts with UN resolutions.

“What we have to do is push that threshold back as far as possible, and that will define whether this is a good idea or a bad idea. We’ve hit the pause button, now we have to avoid hitting the delete button.”

“It’s not like we have a whole lot of good choices with regard to Iran and their nuclear program,” Hayden said.

Despite those reservations, Hayden said he’s willing to see how the deal plays out in the long run.




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مدیر تالار
European oil giants to talk terms with Iran

European oil giants to talk terms with Iran

Oil Ministry officials from Tehran to meet executives from European oil companies and industry experts in London early next year to present the terms upon which they will be invited back.

Iran is stepping up its engagement with European oil companies ahead of inviting them back to the country amid signs that a recent deal over its nuclear program could see economic sanctions lifted next year.

It is understood that Oil Ministry officials from Tehran will meet executives from European oil companies and industry experts in London early next year to present the terms upon which they will be invited back. European majors such as Royal Dutch Shell, Total and ENI were all involved in Iran before tighter sanctions targeting oil production were introduced a few years ago, and all are thought to be monitoring the situation closely.

The roadshow will involve discussions over the nature of contracts that the Islamic Republic is willing to offer in return for investment to drill new wells.

Previously, Iran has dealt with foreign companies through “buybacks”. According to sources, the meetings in London will allow Iran to present the findings of a review of these contractual terms.

Buybacks, which involved international oil companies investing billions of pounds upfront to develop projects in return for a pre-agreed share in the sale of any oil and gas produced, were unpopular with investors because of the poor returns and risks associated with Iran.

An Iranian Oil Ministry official declined to comment on the London talks when contacted by The Telegraph.

Oil industry experts are already factoring in Iran’s return to the international fold after the partial nuclear deal achieved in Geneva last month. Iran could easily pump an additional 800,000 barrels a day of crude, equal to about 75pc of total UK production from the whole North Sea, which could force down world oil prices.

Iran’s government shook up the country’s state-run oil industry earlier this year, restoring former minister Bijan Zanganeh to head the Oil Ministry.

“The big change is that the Iranians have again been able to talk with the [companies],” said Cornelia Meyer, an independent energy expert and chairman of MRL Corporation. “For oil companies it’s good, but it depends on the terms.”

However, European oil executives remain extremely cautious due to the remaining sanctions, with several companies declining to comment on whether their managements will meet the Iranians in London. The U.S. government has said that it will continue vigorously to enforce sanctions that restrict oil companies from working in the country.
Before sanctions were imposed to limit Iran’s oil industry, the republic was the second largest producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. According to official figures, it holds approximately 9pc of world oil reserves and the second largest stocks of natural gas, estimated to be in the region of 812m cubic feet.

(Source: The Telegraph)


مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
مدیر تالار
Iran will 'immediately' reach 4 million bpd of oil exports once sanctions lifted

Iran will 'immediately' reach 4 million bpd of oil exports once sanctions lifted

VIENNA: Iran will "immediately" export more crude oil once sanctions are lifted in the wake of the international deal to roll back its nuclear program, the country's oil minister said Tuesday, according to AFP.
"Immediately we can" return to full export capacity of four million barrels per day, Iran Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh told reporters ahead of OPEC's meeting on oil production in Vienna on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Iran’s biggest owner of supertankers, said it’s hopeful that last month’s agreement between Iran and world powers will eventually lead to an easing of sanctions on its fleet.

“We hope that the recent developments reached on political levels will ease restrictions on our fleet and will smooth business grounds for those who are willing to work with us,” NITC Chairman Ali Safaei said in an e-mail on Tuesday, according to Bloomberg.

The U.S. and European Union said on Nov. 24 they will ease sanctions against Iran in return for concessions over its nuclear program. Oil importers won’t be allowed to buy more from Iran and EU and U.S. sanctions on NITC remain in place.

Most of NITC tankers delivered Iran’s oil to the nation’s customers since sanctions intensified, Safaei said. The ships sailed to countries including China, India, South Korea and Taiwan since July last year, when European measures barred most non-Iranian tankers from the trade.

NITC has a fleet of 37 very large crude carriers, which can typically hold about 2 million barrels of oil, according to Clarkson Plc, the biggest shipbroker. The largest publicly traded owner of the vessels is Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. in Tokyo, with a fleet of 32, the broker’s data show.

The way in which the EU and U.S. intend to ease sanctions means NITC is unlikely to benefit, said Andrew Bardot, the secretary and executive officer of the International Group of P&I Clubs in London. The group’s members cover about 90 percent of the global merchant fleet for risks including oil spills.

While Europe plans to suspend an insurance ban that stopped almost all international ship owners from calling at Iranian ports, NITC will still have to rely on a domestic insurer, Bardot said.



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مدیر تالار
Iran, 5+1 to hold expert meetings on Dec. 9

Iran, 5+1 to hold expert meetings on Dec. 9

TEHRAN – Negotiators from Iran and the six major powers will hold expert meetings in Vienna on December 9 and 10 to start working out steps to implement a deal under which Tehran will offer some concessions on its nuclear activities in exchange for limited relief from the sanctions, an Iranian Foreign Ministry official announced on Tuesday.
Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) clinched a deal on November 24, which is seen as a first step toward resolving a decade-old dispute on Tehran’s nuclear program.

“Directors from the International Atomic Energy Agency will also participate in the negotiations as observers,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Marzieh Afkham told her regular press briefing.

Zarif to visit UAE Wednesday

Afkham also announced that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will leave for Dubai and Abu Dhabi on Wednesday to hold talks with UAE officials.

Iran ready to attend conference on Syria without preconditions

Elsewhere in his remarks, the spokesperson said that Iran was ready to take part in the Geneva talks on Syria without any preconditions.

An international peace conference for Syria will begin on January 22, the first direct talks between the Syrian government and opposition.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to help resolve the Syrian crisis,” Afkham said.

Security deal with U.S. will not benefit Afghanistan

Commenting on a security deal between Afghanistan and the United States, Afkham said, “Iran does not regard the signing of such a treaty as beneficial for Afghanistan’s long-term interests.”




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مدیر تالار
Iran currently trading with 180 countries, Customs Administration says

Iran currently trading with 180 countries, Customs Administration says

TEHRAN – Iran is currently trading with 180 countries, according to Iran’s Customs Administration.
Iran’s trade balance with 91 countries was positive in the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21, 2013.

Iran had the highest positive trade balance with Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, and Azerbaijan, according to the report.

Iran exports 56.84 million tons of non-oil goods, valued at $24.605 billion, in the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21, Iran’s Customs Administration reported on Sunday.

The country imported 18.92 million tons of non-oil goods, valued at $28.247 billion, in the 8-month period, ISNA reported.

Exports and imports fell in value by 12.7 percent and 22.7 percent respectively compared to the same period in the previous year.

Iron ore concentrate, urea, and Methanol were the main goods exported, and rice, soy meal, and wheat were the main items imported.

China, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates were the three top importers of Iranian goods during the period, while the United Arab Emirates, China, and India were the leading exporters of goods to Iran.



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Medicine imports to Iran rise 40% in month: report

Medicine imports to Iran rise 40% in month: report

TEHRAN – Imports of medicine to Iran increased by 40 percent in the past Iranian calendar month of Aban (ended Nov. 21) compared to its preceding month, according to Iran’s Customs Administration.
Some 1,540 tons of medicine were imported during the past month, compared to 1,100 tons two months ago.

Some $119 million worth of medicine were imported during the month of Aban, a 23 percent rise month on month.

On November 6, ISNA quoted the Syndicate of Iranian Pharmaceutical Importers’ chairman as saying that Iran has allocated $400 million to the importation of medicine.

Nasser Riahi added that the Central Bank of Iran has deposited the sum in seven banks of the country.

The figure could be increased to one billion dollars, he mentioned.

Iran’s Health Ministry official Hossein Ayati has said some 97 percent of Iran’s required medicine is currently produced domestically.

About 50 percent of necessary raw material for producing the medicine is imported, he added. Last year, some $1.7 billion was allocated to import medicine which is not produced inside the country, the official said.

In November 2012, Iran’s health ministry called the central bank to earmark $2 billion for importing medicine to cope with the domestic shortage as a result of the international sanctions.



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Iraqi PM arrives in Tehran

Iraqi PM arrives in Tehran

TEHRAN – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki arrived in Tehran on Wednesday to hold talks with Iranian officials on regional and bilateral issues.
The Iraqi prime minister and his accompanying delegation were officially welcomed by Iranian First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri and a number of other officials at the Saadabad Palace.

It is Maliki’s first trip to Iran since Hassan Rouhani took over as Iran’s president in August.

He is scheduled to stay in Tehran for three days.

During his stay, he will hold talks with Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and a number of Iranian officials, including President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.



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مدیر تالار
Iran wants OPEC to make room for a boost to its oil exports

Iran wants OPEC to make room for a boost to its oil exports

Iran wants other OPEC members to make room for its eventual return to oil markets after the Persian Gulf nation reached an interim deal with world powers over its nuclear program.
The Islamic republic reached a preliminary agreement with the so-called P5+1 nations -- the U.S., UK, China, Russia, France and Germany -- last month in Geneva that eased some trade sanctions while reining in its nuclear program. That accord didn’t relax sanctions that prevent U.S. and European nations from importing Iran’s oil and compels Iran’s other customers to restrict purchases.

“I hope we gradually increase our exports based on the agreement,” Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Iran’s minister of petroleum told reporters in Vienna. “At this stage, we have no change in our export officially.” Iran will also hold talks with international companies this week in the Austrian capital on developing its oil industry, he said.

Once OPEC’s second-largest producer, Iran has been knocked back to sixth place among the 12-nation organization, with output averaging 2.6 million barrels a day last month, compared with 3.6 million at the end of 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Exports fell as well.

“We believe it is our right to try to increase our exports,” Zanganeh said. “I hope that all OPEC countries show wisdom, and when member countries, after limitation, return to the market, they understand they should open the doors for him, and not fight with him.”

Iran could boost production to 4 million barrels a day next year if sanctions are lifted, the minister said. The nation is currently exporting about 1.2 million barrels a day and has earmarked 1.5 million barrels of daily sales in its budget, which includes 300,000 barrels of condensates.

Output of condensate, a lighter type of oil, will increase to 1 million barrels a day from 300,000 currently over the next 2 1/2 years, Zanganeh said.

Discussions with international oil companies on exploration terms and conditions will also take place in Tehran and London in early 2014, he said, without specifying which may be involved. For now, laws forbid U.S. and European companies from striking energy deals with Iran and other nations risk being excluded from the U.S. banking system if they violate sanctions.

“Iran is preparing for a complete return to the market,” Zanganeh said.

Other nations that stopped buying Iranian oil after oil sanctions took effect in July 2012 will not be allowed to start importing again during this period, according to the deal. While there’s no ban on companies having conversations with Iran about possible future cooperation, any energy investments are still sanctioned under U.S. law and the EU embargo. Several major oil companies including Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA), BP Plc (BP/) and Total SA (FP), had partnerships in Iranian energy projects in former years.

Shell complies with all applicable international sanctions against Iran, Sarah Bradley, a London-based spokeswoman for the company, said in an e-mail. Shell stopped upstream commercial activities in Iran in 2010 and halted trading with the country last year, she said.

“As this is likely to be a very complicated political processes we need to take our time and watch the situation carefully,” Toby Odone, a London-based spokesman for BP, said in an e-mailed statement. “Iran clearly has huge resources” and “a lot of potential,” he said.

(Source: Bloomberg)


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Moscow keen to continue nuclear cooperation with Iran: Lavrov

Moscow keen to continue nuclear cooperation with Iran: Lavrov

TEHRAN – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Moscow is keen to continue cooperation with Tehran to develop its nuclear energy program.
“We know that Iran is working to establish new (nuclear) facilities, including (at) Bushehr. No UN Security Council resolution has put a ban on such reactors,” Lavrov told reporters at a joint press conference with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Tehran on Wednesday.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Lavrov called for more consultation between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency to resolve outstanding issues, and said, “The main thing is to do what has been agreed on, not to give broader or narrower interpretations of the agreements declared in this document.”

“In Geneva, it was agreed to resolve the Iran issue step by step, and one step is the recognition of Iran’s right to have peaceful nuclear energy, including (uranium) enrichment,” he added.

Iran and the 5+1 group -- Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States, and Germany -- signed a deal in Geneva on November 24, according to which Tehran would offer some concessions on its nuclear activities in exchange for limited relief from the sanctions imposed on the country.

No military solution to Syria conflict

He also spoke about the Geneva II conference on Syria, scheduled to be held on January 22, saying the international community supports the conference.

He went on to say that all the influential Syrian and foreign players who can help achieve positive results should participate in the Geneva II conference.

He also stated that Iran is a “key player” that can help resolve the Syria crisis and must be invited to the conference.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the top Russian diplomat said that he had held a very constructive meeting with his Iranian counterpart and emphasized the necessity of cooperation in various areas between Tehran and Moscow, particularly on regional issues, to promote regional stability.

Zarif said that Iran, Russia, and many other members of the international community agree that there is no military solution to the Syria crisis and emphasized that the Geneva conference should be held without any preconditions.

Iran still insists on delivery of S-300 missiles: Zarif

Zarif also said Tehran is still insisting that Russia deliver the S-300 missile system to Iran.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is insisting on the implementation of the previous agreements for the purchase of the S-300 missile system from Russia,” Zarif stated.



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Persian Gulf Arab states welcome Iran nuclear deal

Persian Gulf Arab states welcome Iran nuclear deal

TEHRAN - The (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council ([p]GCC) has welcomed the preliminary landmark deal between Iran and the P5+1 (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China and Germany), further depicting that a fresh leaf is turned over in the relationship between the Sunni monarchies of the Persian Gulf region and their Shia neighbor, Al-Jazeera reported.
“The (P)GCC states have expressed their comfort towards the preliminary Geneva agreement pertaining to the Iranian nuclear program, and we look forward to its success to lead to a permanent pact, that drives away the specter of tension from our region,” Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the emir of Kuwait, said on Tuesday at the opening session of the 34th summit in Kuwait City.

This is the first such summit since Iran struck a deal with the P5+1 in late November, to offer some concessions on its nuclear activities in exchange for partial easing of sanctions. The interim agreement is seen as a step towards concluding a final deal over Iran’s nuclear program.

At the end of a two-day summit in Kuwait on Wednesday, the bloc called for good neighborly relations with Iran based on “non-interference in internal affairs”.

A communique read by the bloc’s Secretary General Abdullatif al-Zayani said, “The (P)GCC welcomed the new direction of the Iranian leadership towards the (P)GCC countries, in the hope that this direction will be followed with tangible steps that will reflect positively ... on peace, security and stability in the region.”

The six members of the group, that include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, have responded in different ways to Iran since Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took office.




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Iran’s central bank forms task force on return of frozen assets

Iran’s central bank forms task force on return of frozen assets

TEHRAN - The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has set up a task force on the return of the country’s assets blocked by the U.S., IRNA quoted a CBI official as saying on Wednesday.
The task force is currently taking preliminary steps for the return of the country’s frozen assets and specifying the exact amount of the properties, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Iranian government spokesman Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht has confirmed the report that $8 billion of Iranian assets blocked by the U.S. will be released as a result of the deal Iran and the six major powers reached on November 24.

The recent nuclear deal will have a great positive effect on the Iranian economy, IRNA quoted Nobakht as saying on November 25.




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Iran launches second space shot with monkey on board

Iran launches second space shot with monkey on board

TEHRAN – Iran has successfully sent a monkey into space for a second time and returned it to Earth safely as part of the country’s program to achieve manned space flight.
According to the Iranian Space Agency website, the monkey, named Fargam, which means “auspicious” in Persian, was sent into space aboard a domestically designed and manufactured Pajoohesh (Research) rocket on Saturday.

The rocket, which uses liquid fuel, reached a height of 120 kilometers and returned to Earth after a 15-minute mission.

The launch was part of the activities of Iran’s national Research Week.

According to the report, Iranian scientists were able to monitor and measure signals from the rocket, including Fargam’s vital signs, during the flight.

In a message published on Twitter, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated the Iranian nation and the Leader over the “great achievement” and told the Iranian scientists and researchers who worked on the project that he wished them more success in their endeavors.

Iran successfully sent a monkey into space aboard a Pishgam (Pioneer) rocket, formerly known as the Kavoshgar-5 (Explorer-5), and brought it back to Earth safely in January 2013.

Iran is now among a handful of countries that are able to launch living creatures into space.




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Iran, major powers to resume nuclear talks

Iran, major powers to resume nuclear talks

TEHRAN – Iran will resume technical talks with world powers in Geneva on Thursday and Friday over how to implement an interim nuclear deal signed last month, according to Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi.
The technical talks may continue into Saturday and Sunday if required, Iran’s deputy chief negotiator said.

Tehran and the six major powers clinched a deal in Geneva on November 24 according to which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program for six months in exchange for modest sanctions relief.

The Geneva agreement is designed to provide time to negotiate a comprehensive deal to help resolve Iran’s nuclear issue.

The first round of technical talks on the Geneva deal, which was held in Vienna last week, was interrupted by Iran in what appeared to be a response to a U.S. sanctions measure to blacklist additional companies and people under the existing sanctions against the country.

The U.S. sanctions measure against Iran drew widespread criticism from Iranian officials. They said the move was against the spirit of the Geneva deal.




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Iran-EU trade hits €5.67b in Jan.-Oct.: Eurostat

Iran-EU trade hits €5.67b in Jan.-Oct.: Eurostat

TEHRAN – The value of trade between Iran and the European Union amounted to €5.67 billion in January-October 2013, according to the EU statistics agency Eurostat.
The Iran-EU trade hit €522 million in October, a 17 percent rise compared to September, the Tasnim News Agency reported, citing the Eurostat data.

The EU exported €467 million worth of goods to Iran during the 10-month period.

However, trade between Iran and the EU fell by 51 percent in the mentioned period compared to the year before.

According to the European Commission website, the EU is the first trading partner of Iran, accounting for almost a third of Iran's exports.

Most EU imports from Iran are energy related, while EU exports to Iran are mainly machinery and transport equipment and chemicals.

Iran is currently trading with 180 countries, according to Iran’s Customs Administration.

Iran’s trade balance with 91 countries was positive in the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21, 2013.

Iran had the highest positive trade balance with Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, and Azerbaijan, according to the report.

Iran exports 56.84 million tons of non-oil goods, valued at $24.605 billion, in the first eight months of the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21.




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Iran’s man of diplomacy Zarif visits comedy king Modiri

Iran’s man of diplomacy Zarif visits comedy king Modiri

TEHRAN -- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif visited Mehran Modiri, the director and actor of TV comedy series, on the set of his new serial “I Was Joking” in Tehran on Tuesday evening.
The meeting was arranged after Zarif received an invitation from Modiri to visit the set of the series that is planned as a satire on political, social and cultural issues, the publicist of the series reported on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Zarif’s mobile phone rang frequently. Modiri asked Zarif to give his mobile phone to him for a quarter of an hour so that he could answer the calls. Zarif said, “Ok, then you yourself can answer the UN secretary-general’s call!”

Zarif was fully briefed on the series and its set by Modiri and, along with the production crew, they posed for pictures at the end of the meeting.

The set for “I Was Joking”, which will be distributed on the home video network in January, is located in a large salon in northeastern Tehran.

Zarif is very popular with the people who voted for Hassan Rouhani in the June presidential election.




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Former Esteghlal striker Biyouk Jedikar dies

Former Esteghlal striker Biyouk Jedikar dies

TEHRAN – Former Esteghlal striker Biyouk Jedikar died at age of 84 in Tehran on Tuesday.
Jedikar, whose nickname was Golden Left, was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Jedikar was transferred to Viktoria 89 Berlin football team in 1957 on a three-year contract however his time in Germany was shortened to nine months when his father died.

Jedikar returned to Iran to resume his career with his former club.

The Tehran Times staff offers its heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.




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Pakistan needs Iran gas pipeline: Minister

Pakistan needs Iran gas pipeline: Minister

Pakistani Federal Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi says his country needs the under-construction multi-billion-dollar pipeline projected to carry natural gas from Iran to its eastern neighbor.
“Pakistan needs the project and wants to complete it,” he said in Islamabad on Thursday.

He added that half of the work on the IP (Iran-Pakistan) gas pipeline has already been completed, and the Pakistani government plans to undertake its share in the project as soon as U.S.-engineered sanctions against Iran are eased.

Sartaj Aziz, who advises Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on foreign affairs and national security, said on December 13 that Tehran and Islamabad are in talks over an extension of the December 2014 deadline for the construction of the pipeline as well as financing the project and gas pricing.

According to the original agreement sealed between Iran and Pakistan, the first Iranian gas delivery to Pakistan should start by December 31, 2014.

The two countries are also responsible for the completion of the pipeline project within their territories, and if Pakistan does not fulfill its obligation to complete the pipeline on its side by the end of 2014, it will have to pay a daily penalty of USD 1 million to Iran until completion.

Iran has agreed not to penalize Pakistan for missing the deadline.

The United States has long been threatening Pakistan with economic sanctions if Islamabad goes ahead with the pipeline project.

However, the government of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has made it clear that addressing the country’s longstanding energy problems will be its top priority, and it has no plans to reverse the decision on the completion of IP pipeline.

Iran has already built 900 kilometers of the pipeline on its own soil and is waiting for the 700-kilometer Pakistani side of the pipeline to be constructed.

The IP pipeline is designed to help Pakistan overcome its growing energy needs at a time when the country of over 180 million people is grappling with serious energy shortages.

(Source: Press TV)


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“The Past” misses 2014 Oscars

“The Past” misses 2014 Oscars

TEHRAN -- Iran’s submission to the 2014 Oscars “The Past” missed the race in the foreign language film category as the Academy Awards organizers announced the nine semi-finalists on Friday.
“The Past” is Asghar Farhadi’s first film shot outside of his homeland in France. His “A Separation” won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2012.

Iran withdrew its submission “A Cube of Sugar” from the 2013 Academy Awards since the then culture minister, Mohammad Hosseini, boycotted the Oscars over the production of an anti-Islam video in the United States.

“The Broken Circle Breakdown” directed by Felix van Groeningen from Belgium, “An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker” by Danis Tanovic from Bosnia and Herzegovina, “The Missing Picture” by Rithy Panh from Cambodia, and “The Hunt” by Thomas Vinterberg from Denmark are among the titles on the shortlist.

In addition “Two Lives” by Georg Maas from Germany, “The Grandmaster” by Wong Kar-wai from Hong Kong, “The Notebook” by Janos Szasz from Hungary, “The Great Beauty” by Paolo Sorrentino from Italy, and “Omar” by Hany Abu-Assad from Palestine are the other films on the shortlist.

A committee of 30 high-profile members will choose the ultimate five nominees, which will be unveiled with the rest of the nominees on January 16.




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Turkey's Halkbank says Iran business complies with law

Turkey's Halkbank says Iran business complies with law

ISTANBUL (Hurriyet Daily News) - Turkey's state-owned Halkbank, whose chief executive was arrested in connection with a sweeping graft investigation, said on Monday it complied with the law when doing business with sanctions-hit Iran.

"Our bank's business transactions are regularly audited by relevant authorities," the bank said in a statement.

"The financial intermediation that our bank offers with regard to trade activities with Iran have been conducted in accordance with regulations," it added.
The statement comes after Halkbank chief executive Suleyman Aslan was charged Saturday with taking bribes, while Azerbaijani businessman Reza Zarrab was charged with forming a ring that bribed officials to help disguise illegal gold sales to Iran via Halkbank.

Police had also reportedly found $4.5 million in cash stored in shoe boxes in Aslan's home. Twenty-four people have been charged so far in connection with the high-profile investigation including the sons of Interior Minister Muarrem Guler and Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan as well as several top business leaders. On Saturday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan defended Halkbank which he claimed was targeted by international plotters. "We have raised the bank's market value to $25 billion.

They are targeting this successful state bank," he said. "This bank is intimidating Turkey's enemies." Halkbank has come under fire from some quarters in the United States for alleged illegal transactions to Iran. The bank said it stopped transactions to Iran as of June 10 after the United States announced further sanctions against the Islamic republic. Several pro-government media outlets claimed over the weekend that U.S. ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone told some European Union ambassadors that Washington asked the bank to cut its ties with Iran -- the allegations vehemently denied by the ambassador. The reports however infuriated the prime minister who warned he may expel some foreign ambassadors over "provocative actions", in remarks considered a veiled threat to Ricciardone.

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said Sunday that Halkbank has lost $1.6 billion in market value since the scandal broke out and branded the investigation as an operation aimed at undermining Turkey's economic stability.




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What’s in art galleries

What’s in art galleries

Silver jewelry
* The Mess-Negar Gallery is currently playing host to an exhibition of a collection of silver jewelry by Mehdi Bordbar.

The jewelry has been decorated with the floral motifs and symbols dating back to the Achaemenid period.

The exhibit will continue until December 26 at the gallery located at No. 5 in the Park Prince Building on Molla Sadra Highway.


* A group of photographers will show a collection of their works on the theme of flying in an exhibition at the Daryabeigi Gallery from December 27, 2013 to January 1, 2014.

The group includes Tara Ahmadi, Pegah Behruzfar, Puran Zanganeh, Zahra Mirmaalek, Parvin Vaqefi and Iman Vaqefi.

The gallery can be found at 6 Hassan Seyf Ave., Phase 3, in the Shahrak-e Gharb neighborhood.

