اخبار ایران به زبان انگلیسی ( Iran News )


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Iran finishes 2nd in Asian Youth Para Games

Iran finishes 2nd in Asian Youth Para Games

Iran came second at the third edition of the Asian Youth Para Games (AYPG) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Wednesday.
The Iranian delegation won 59 medals including 27 gold, 13 silver and 19 bronze medals.

Japan won AYPG with 84 medals consisting of 39 gold, 20 silver and 25 bronze medals.

China finished in third place with 25 gold, 8 silver, 5 bronze medals and 38 medals in total.

AYPG Malaysia 2013 held in Kuala Lumpur from 26 to 30 October with the participation of more than 2,000 athletes from 41 Asian nations.

The first edition of the Games was held in Hong Kong in 2003, followed by Tokyo, Japan in 2009.

A total of 74 athletes represented Iran in the event.

The Asian Youth Para Games is a multi-sport event held every four years after every Asian Games for youth athletes with physical disabilities.




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Leader says Iranians should have larger families

Leader says Iranians should have larger families

TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called for the adoption of measures to encourage Iranians to have larger families and warned about the consequences of an aging population and a low birth rate.
Having “a youthful image is a major and decisive issue for a country,” he said in a message read out to a conference on “demographical changes and their role on social developments,” which began in the city of Qom on Thursday.

“Therefore, it is necessary to conduct essential and scientific work to solve this problem” in Iran, the Leader said.

He asked Iranian scholars and intellectuals to thoroughly study the causes that have made Iranians prefer smaller families and to find ways to encourage them to have more children.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said that there are a number of social issues that have caused a decline in Iran’s birth rate, such as joblessness, low incomes, and the fact that people are getting married at an older age, which should be addressed through proper measures.

“I believe that our country is not a country of 75 million people, our country [could be] a country of 150 million people… and even more,” he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei also stated that since Iran is a large country, is rich in resources, and has good scientific potential, it has the potential to be a populous country.




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IAEA optimistic about Iran nuclear talks: Amano

IAEA optimistic about Iran nuclear talks: Amano

TEHRAN – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano has given a cautious optimism of the future of the talks with Iran over its nuclear energy program, AFP reported.
Speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington on Friday, Amano acknowledged that the material and facilities placed under the IAEA Safeguards in Iran are used for peaceful purposes.

Asked about Iran’s new proposal presented to the IAEA, he said, “There is some substance in the new proposal by Iran.”

The UN nuclear agency chief said Iran and the IAEA held “very productive” negotiations in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on October 28-29.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi presented the country’s new approach to its nuclear energy program in a meeting with the IAEA director general on October 28.

The two sides agreed to hold the next round of the expert-level talks in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on November 11.

The Vienna meeting between Iran and the IAEA came as Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the U.S. - plus Germany held two days of negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear energy program in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 15-16.

Iran and the six countries have agreed to meet again in the Swiss city on November 7-8.

The United States, Israel and some of their European allies have accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Iran has categorically rejected the allegation.

TEHRAN – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano has given a cautious optimism of the future of the talks with Iran over its nuclear energy program, AFP reported.
Speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington on Friday, Amano acknowledged that the material and facilities placed under the IAEA Safeguards in Iran are used for peaceful purposes.

Asked about Iran’s new proposal presented to the IAEA, he said, “There is some substance in the new proposal by Iran.”

The UN nuclear agency chief said Iran and the IAEA held “very productive” negotiations in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on October 28-29.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi presented the country’s new approach to its nuclear energy program in a meeting with the IAEA director general on October 28.

The two sides agreed to hold the next round of the expert-level talks in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on November 11.

The Vienna meeting between Iran and the IAEA came as Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the U.S. - plus Germany held two days of negotiations over Tehran’s nuclear energy program in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 15-16.

Iran and the six countries have agreed to meet again in the Swiss city on November 7-8.

The United States, Israel and some of their European allies have accused Iran of pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Iran has categorically rejected the allegation.




مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
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No one should undermine nuclear negotiating team: Leader

No one should undermine nuclear negotiating team: Leader

TEHRAN – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has expressed strong support for Iran’s nuclear negotiating team, saying that no one should attempt to undermine the negotiators.
“These are the children of the revolution and representatives of the Islamic Republic who are working hard to carry out their difficult mission. No one should weaken them, insult them, or consider them compromisers,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to thousands of students in Tehran on Sunday, one day before the 13th of Aban.

The 13th of Aban in the Iranian calendar, which corresponds to November 4, is Iran’s national day of struggle against the global arrogance (imperialist powers) and the anniversary of the university students’ seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, which was called the Den of Spies. It was also the anniversary of the exile of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Imam Khomeini, in 1964.

In his speech, the Leader said that he was not optimistic about the upcoming negotiations, but added, “With God's permission, we will not be harmed by these negotiations. The (diplomatic) move will be an experience and probably a beneficial move. If the negotiations reach a conclusion, then all the better, but if they do not, it will mean that the country must stand on its own feet to resolve the problems.”

Diplomatic efforts are necessary, he said, noting, “Reliance on domestic potential does not mean the rejection of diplomacy. But it must be noted that the diplomatic move is only part of the task, and the main point is to rely on domestic potential, which can bring strength and dignity during the negotiations.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also criticized the United States for imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program and advised the negotiating team to never trust the enemy. “I once again repeat my previous statement. We should not trust an enemy that smiles.”

“On the one hand, they (the Americans) smile and say they are eager to negotiate, but on the other hand they say all options are on the table,” the Leader stated.

“The nuclear issue is only a pretext. And if… the issue is resolved through our retreat, they will find dozens of other pretexts, such as our missile achievements, the opposition of the Iranian nation to the Zionist regime, and the Islamic Republic’s support for the resistance, to continue their hostility toward Iran.”

Iran will resume negotiations with the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) in Geneva on Thursday.




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Iranian administration to go on paying cash subsidies

Iranian administration to go on paying cash subsidies

TEHRAN – The Iranian parliament (Majlis) approved a bill on Sunday that allows the administration to pay cash subsidies as much as the past at least by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2014).
MPs approved the bill with 125 votes in favor, 51 against, and six abstentions.

The subsidy reform plan pays 45,500 rials (about $18 based on the U.S. dollar official exchange rate of 24,800 rials) to Iranians, eliminating subsidies for fuels and some commodities.

This is while the budget and planning committee of the Majlis approved on October 20 stopping 30 percent of cash subsidy payments.

On October 19, the Central Bank of Iran Governor Valiollah Seif said that the Majlis and the administration will finalize an agreement by the end of the current Iranian calendar year to cut cash subsidies of rich families.

“People have well understood the need [to cut the cash subsidies]. The basis for doing the job has been prepared in the society,” the Mehr News Agency quoted Seif as saying.

Head of Parliamentary Economic Committee Gholamreza Mesbahi Moqaddam has said the subsidy reform plan put into place by the government has created $13 billion more in liquidity than was anticipated.

MP Ahmad Tavakkoli has criticized the current method of cash subsidy payments, saying that paying subsidies in cash to people is carried out just in Iran. Paying cash subsidies to all groups of people with different incomes should be revised given that the administration is facing budget deficit.




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Iran marks anniversary of U.S. embassy seizure

Iran marks anniversary of U.S. embassy seizure

TEHRAN – Iranians on Monday went to the streets and staged demonstrations to commemorate the 13th of Aban, the national day of struggle against global arrogance and the anniversary of university students’ 1979 seizure of the U.S. embassy, which was called the Den of Spies.
Diplomatic ties between Tehran and Washington were cut after the 1979 hostage taking incident during which student activists stormed the embassy and took hostage 52 embassy staff for 444 days.

On Monday, large crowds gathered around the embassy building, waving flags, holding anti-U.S. placards, and shouting “Death to America.”

A number of Iranian officials, including some ministers, participated in the demonstrations.

At the end of the rallies, demonstrators issued a statement in which they underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran has an inalienable right to civilian nuclear technology and would never relinquish this right.

The lifting of all the unfair sanctions against Iran would be the least the United States can do to win the trust of the Iranian nation, the statement said.

In another part of the statement, the demonstrators criticized the United States for issuing threats of military action against Iran over its nuclear program and stated that the country would give a crushing response to any act of aggression.

They also expressed support for the Syrian people and government, emphasizing that the crisis in the Arab country can only be resolved through dialogue.



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Over one million Iranian families receive low-cost Mehr Houses

Over one million Iranian families receive low-cost Mehr Houses

KERMANSHAH- All Mehr Houses will be completed and handed over to the applicants during two next years, ISNA quoted the deputy roads and urban development minister for Mehr Houses affairs as saying on Monday.
Ahmad Asghari Mehrabadi announced that 2.162 residential units are under construction in the country and 1.015 million units have been already transferred to the families.

The administration has been implementing the Mehr Housing Project in different parts of the country to build millions of residential units and stabilize housing prices.

Under this plan, real estate developers are offered free parcels of land in return for building cheap residential units for first-time buyers, who receive 99-year mortgages for the purchase of the land.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
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Iran, world powers to resume nuclear talks today

Iran, world powers to resume nuclear talks today

TEHRAN – Iran and world powers are scheduled to begin two days of negotiations in Geneva today, which are aimed at resolving the decade-old dispute over Tehran’s nuclear program.
The negotiations will be held between representatives from Iran and the six major powers, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, which are known as the 5+1 group.

This would be the second round of high-level talks between the two sides since Hassan Rouhani took office as Iran’s president in August.

The most recent round of talks was held in the same city on October 15 and 16.

In a joint statement issued at the end of the negotiations in October, the talks were described as “substantive and forward-looking.” The details of the talks have not been publicly disclosed.

Catherine Ashton, the EU foreign policy chief, will lead the talks on behalf of the major powers, and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will lead the Iranian negotiating team.




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Iraq demands more Iranian gas to operate electric stations

Iraq demands more Iranian gas to operate electric stations

Iraq submitted a request for Iran to increase the exports of the Iranian gas to Iraq in order to operate the electric power stations located in Basra province.
The Iraqi Minister of Oil Abdul karim Luaibi said in a press statement "Iraq submitted a request to Iran in order to increase iraqi imports of the natural gas from Iran."

"We discussed this issue during our meeting with the Iranian Minister of Oil, Beijan Nimdar Zankana, during the 15th Ministerial meeting for Countries Exporting Gas held recently in Tehran," Luaibi added.

"Our cooperation with Iran in the field of power started few years ago because Iraq needs further amounts of gas to operate the electric power generating stations located in Basra province," he concluded.

(Source: All Iraq News)


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Iran scales up Turkmen gas imports at fixed price

Iran scales up Turkmen gas imports at fixed price

TEHRAN – Iran has increased natural gas imports from Turkmenistan as of the second half of the current Iranian calendar year (September 22), according to National Iranian Gas Company’s Managing Director Hamidreza Araqi.
However, the Turkmen side has not increased gas price, the Mehr News Agency quoted Araqi as saying on Sunday.

Turkmenistan is committed to export more natural gas to Iran during winter, he added.

The former managing director of the NIGC, Jawad Owji, said in January that Iran has imported 4 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas from Turkmenistan since March 19, 2012.

He said that Turkmenistan is currently exporting 15-20 million cubic meters of gas to Iran daily.

According to Iranian official statistics, Turkmenistan exported 11.8 bcm of gas to Iran during the past Iranian calendar year, which ended on March 20.

In November 2012, Owji said Iran has developed a plan to launch a new pipeline, aiming to boost gas supply to the Caspian Sea provinces and cut dependency on gas imports from Turkmenistan.

The 160-kilometer proposed pipeline is projected to carry natural gas from Semnan province to Mazandaran province. The project will be finished at the cost of 3.5 trillion rials (around $285 million) within 2 years, he noted.



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Majlis rejects Rouhani’s nominee for sports and youth minister

Majlis rejects Rouhani’s nominee for sports and youth minister

TEHRAN – The Iranian parliament on Sunday rejected President Hassan Rouhani’s nominee for the post of sports and youth minister.
The parliament, which is dominated by conservatives, held a confirmation vote on Nasrallah Sajjadi after hours of debate, during which Rouhani’s pick defended his plans and past record, and a number of MPs spoke for and against him.

Rohani also delivered a speech in the parliament defending the proposed minister.

Of the 253 votes cast, 124 MPs voted for the nominee, 107 voted against him, and 22 abstained.

Sajjadi was Rouhani’s third nominee for the post who failed to approve the parliament’s approval.

On the same day, Rouhani nominated Mahmoud Goodarzi as his fourth nominee for the vacant position.




مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
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Iran’s nuclear technology is for making progress, not threats: Rouhani

Iran’s nuclear technology is for making progress, not threats: Rouhani

TEHRAN – Iran is seeking to develop peaceful nuclear technology to achieve progress, not to use it as a threat to others, President Hassan Rouhani has said.
Others should be confident that “we want peaceful nuclear technology for development, not for threatening others; that we are seeking it for peaceful purposes not to build nuclear bombs,” Rouhani said in an address to the parliament on Sunday.

“We will not cross the red lines. Our red line is the rights of the Iranian nation. These rights include nuclear rights within the framework of international law as well as (uranium) enrichment in Iran.”

Iran and world major powers (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, known as the 5+1 group) held intensive negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday through Saturday, which were aimed at resolving the decade-old dispute over Tehran’s nuclear program.

“We have practically and verbally told the negotiators that threat, sanctions, humiliation, and discrimination will not produce results, by any means,” Rouhani, a former nuclear negotiator, added.

Rouhani also said that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not bow to any threat by any power, and underlined that global issues ought to be resolved merely through logic and rationality.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani described the sanctions as illegal and inefficient and noted that Iran has not come to the negotiating table because of the sanctions.

He also said that negotiations can pave the way for constructive interaction between Iran and the international community, adding that the world should know that regional issues would not be resolved without Iran’s involvement.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
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Archaeologists discover ruins of Elymais temple in southwestern Iran

Archaeologists discover ruins of Elymais temple in southwestern Iran

TEHRAN -- A team of Iranian and Italian archaeologists has unearthed ruins of an ancient temple in an Elymais site in the Kaleh Chendar region in southwestern Iran, the Iranian director of the team announced on Saturday.
Most parts of the structure have been built with large stones without mortar in form of a broad platform like those built at Persepolis, Jafar Mehrkian told the Persian service of CHN.

The structure also includes platforms made of brick, which were usually built in the ancient temples, he added.

Vito Messina of the University of Turin and a number of his colleagues accompanied the team during the excavation intended to gather information about the Elymais period, about which little is known in Iranian history, he stated.

According to Britannica, Elymais was an ancient Parthian vassal state located east of the lower Tigris River and usually considered part of the larger district of Susiana.

It incorporated much of the area of the biblical region of Elam, approximately equivalent to the modern region of Khuzestan, Iran.

Though the capital city of Susa belonged to Elymais, it seems to have been administered by a Persian satrap. The heart of the kingdom centered near the mountains of Lorestan near modern Behbehan and Izeh, where the local dynasty left rock reliefs and inscriptions in a form of Aramaic.

The dynasty seems to have been founded by Kamnaskires, known from coins dated 81 BC. The kingdom, though seldom mentioned, survived until its extinction by the Sassanid king Ardashir I (reigned 224–241 CE).

The Iranian-Italian team dug six trenches at the site located near the village of Shami, Mehrkian said.

“A structure entirely built from rectangular bricks was uncovered in the third trench… A member of the team says that it was an altar or a small platform for worship,” he added.

The first trench was dug in a spot that had first been excavated by Polish-born British archaeologist A. Stein about 77 years ago during his project “Old Routes of Western Iran”. The life-size bronze figure of a Parthian prince, which is on display at the National Museum of Iran, is surmised to have been discovered at this site.

In the sixth trench, the archaeologists have discovered an ancient family grave which was used by members of a family for about one hundred years during the period.

“This tomb represents a style of burial. It is a small rectangular room with a stone structure,” Mehrkian stated.

This season of excavation was carried out based on a five-year agreement between Iran and Italy under the auspices of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and the Archaeological Excavations and Research Center of Turin.

Illegal excavations by artifact smugglers are currently threatening the site.



مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی
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Iranian publisher purchases copyright of Persian translation of George R. R. Martin’s works

Iranian publisher purchases copyright of Persian translation of George R. R. Martin’s works

TEHRAN – An Iranian publisher has purchased the Persian translation copyright of all works by American master of modern fantasy George R. R. Martin (1948).

Based on a recent agreement, Behnam Publications will have the rights in Iran and all Persian-speaking countries to translate and distribute books by Martin, an author of fantasy, horror, and science fiction prose, the translator of his books in Iran, Milad Fashtami, told the Persian service of ISNA on Sunday.

Since Iran has not joined the Universal Copyright Convention yet, this will help respect and observe the rights of the writer, Fashtami said.

He expressed hope that readers support the publishers who observe copyright in order to help promote this culture across the country.

He also added that joining the Universal Copyright Convention will surely lead to better and higher-qualified translations of books.

Fashtami is currently working on a Persian translation of “Fevre Dream”, which will hit the market soon.

“A Dance with Dragons”, “A Game of Thrones”, “A Storm of Swords” and “A Clash of Kings” are some of the books by Martin, who is also a screenwriter and television producer.




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Muslims should unite to foil efforts meant to promote sectarianism: Leader

Muslims should unite to foil efforts meant to promote sectarianism: Leader

TEHRAN – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on Muslims to unite and help thwart the efforts meant to fan the flames of sectarianism.
Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with a number of Iranian hajj officials in Tehran on Monday.

The annual gathering of Muslims in Mecca for the hajj pilgrimage began in late October and culminated in the same month this year according to the Islamic lunar calendar.

In his speech, the Leader said that one of the greatest problems of the Muslim world today is growing tension between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

“The hegemonistic and colonialist system has great experience in fomenting sectarian strife, and, under the current circumstances, the potential of Hajj should be used to counter this conspiracy.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei commented on the hajj pilgrimage, saying that the occasion should be used to bring Muslims all over the world closer together.



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France says deal on Iran nuclear program ‘not far’

France says deal on Iran nuclear program ‘not far’

TEHRAN – The French foreign minister said on Monday he was hopeful a deal could be reached with Iran over its nuclear program, Reuters reported.
"We are not far from an agreement with the Iranians, but we are not there yet," Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 radio.

Marathon talks between the P5+1 - the United States, Russia, China, Britain, Germany and France - and Iran on Saturday did not end in an agreement. The sides arranged to meet again on November 20.

Some diplomats accused France of grandstanding during talks in Geneva at the weekend, something Fabius denied, saying Paris was not isolated but had an independent foreign policy.

"We are firm, but not rigid. We want peace, and we want to reach the end," he said.

Fabius again said Iran must suspend construction of its Arak heavy-water reactor and halt uranium enrichment to a concentration of 20 percent to win an easing of international sanctions, a long-held position by Paris.

He declined to go into specific details on what was holding a deal back.

"I am hopeful we will reach a good deal. We want an accord that ensures regional and international stability." Fabius said. "If we don't reach an accord it would be a considerable problem in a few months."




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Iran, IAEA agree on ‘roadmap’ for further cooperation

Iran, IAEA agree on ‘roadmap’ for further cooperation

TEHRAN – On Monday, Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency signed a joint statement on further cooperation on Tehran’s nuclear activities.

“The joint statement represents a roadmap that specifies bilateral steps in regard to the outstanding issues,” Atomic Energy Organization of Iran chief Ali Akbar Salehi said at a joint press conference with IAEA director Yukiya Amano in Tehran on Monday.

Under the agreement, Iran would allow the agency’s inspectors to visit two more nuclear sites, the Arak heavy water site and the Gachin uranium mine in Bandar Abbas, Salehi stated.

Iran has no commitments based on the safeguards agreement to allow such inspections, but it agreed to do so to show the country’s will to resolve the dispute over its nuclear program, Salehi added.

Amano also told the press conference, “Under the framework, Iran and the IAEA will cooperate further with respect to verification activities to be undertaken by the IAEA to resolve all present and past issues. The practical measures contained in the annex are substantive measures and will be implemented in three months starting from today,” according to an IAEA press release.

He added, “This is an important step forward to start with, but much more needs to be done.

“The outstanding issues that are not contained in the Annex to the Framework for Cooperation, including those in my previous reports to the Board of Governors, will be addressed in the subsequent steps under the Framework for Cooperation.

“The IAEA is firmly committed to resolving all outstanding issues through dialogue and cooperation.”

According to Iranian media outlets, Amano also said that the IAEA’s negotiations with Iran were “independent” of the nuclear talks that Tehran has been holding with the six major powers, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany, which are known as the P5+1 group.

In a separate press release, the UN nuclear watchdog stated, “It is foreseen that Iran's cooperation will include providing the IAEA with timely information about its nuclear facilities and in regard to the implementation of transparency measures. Activities will proceed in a step-by-step manner.

“The IAEA agreed to continue to take into account Iran's security concerns including through the use of managed access and the protection of confidential information.”

Following is the text of the Annex to the Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation of November 11, 2013, which was released by the IAEA:

1. Providing mutually agreed relevant information and managed access to the Gachin mine in Bandar Abbas,

2. Providing mutually agreed relevant information and managed access to the Heavy Water Production Plant,

3. Providing information on all new research reactors,

4. Providing information with regard to the identification of 16 sites designated for the construction of nuclear power plant,

5. Clarification of the announcement made by Iran regarding additional enrichment facilities,

6. Further clarification of the announcement made by Iran with respect to laser enrichment technology.




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Total ready to resume business with Iran: CEO

Total ready to resume business with Iran: CEO

Total SA, Europe’s biggest oil refiner, will resume business with Iran if diplomatic talks lead to the removal of sanctions, Chief Executive Officer Christophe de Margerie said at a conference in Abu Dhabi.
The return of Iran to the international community would be beneficial for its neighboring countries including the Persian Gulf Arab states, the top international oil executive has said.

Speaking at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (Adipec), Christophe de Margerie, Chief Executive Officer of French energy company Total, said that while his comments may not be welcomed by some in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) region, it was important to understand the advantages of sanctions against Iran being removed.

“Having Iran back in the international community will be good news,” he said on a CEO panel in Abu Dhabi alongside fellow oil and gas executives.

Iran has significant gas reserves and could play an important role as an energy exporter as global energy demands increase.

Iran becoming a mass energy exporter is largely dependent on the P5+1 discussion that failed this week.

Meanwhile, Bob Dudley, BP Chief Executive Officer, said discussions of Iran re-entering the global community were “part of the world of change”.

Although he acknowledged that Iran “obviously has a lot of resources”, he sidestepped the potential for BP to return to Iran if sanctions were lifted. “We already have lots to do in the region,” he said.

Iran was the sixth-largest producer in OPEC last month with 2.6 million barrels a day of output, a separate Bloomberg survey of analysts and companies shows. That’s down 565,000 barrels from June 2012, when it ranked second.




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Iran to increase water, electricity bills

Iran to increase water, electricity bills

TEHRAN – Water and electricity bills in Iran will be increased in the next Iranian calendar year, which will begin on March 21, 2014, the Iranian deputy energy minister said on Monday.
Alireza Daemi added that the Energy Ministry has proposed scenarios to the administration for increasing water and electricity bills in the next year, the Mehr News Agency reported.

According to the current year’s budget law, the administration is allowed to increase water and electricity bills by maximum 38 percent, he explained.

In September, Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian said that electricity bills have been increased from 430 rials (about 0.02 cents) per kilowatt hours to 433 rials.

The ministry has added the sum to electricity bills in order to secure a fund for implementing power supply projects in villages and expand the use of renewable energies, the minister added.

In October, Deputy Energy Minister Sattar Mahmoudi said that 84 percent of Iran's total area is either dry or semi-dry, while only 16 percent of the country is humid and semi-humid.

Iran continues to have struggles with droughts and dry climate. In recent years, the country has experienced several droughts, especially in the south where it gets hit by violent sand storms that engulf several cities.




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Right to enrichment is Iran’s red line: Zarif

Right to enrichment is Iran’s red line: Zarif

TEHRAN – Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that uranium enrichment is Iran’s red line and this is definitely considered in negotiations with the major world powers- the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China.
What is of paramount importance is that the West “respects” Iran’s right to nuclear enrichment, Zarif told ISNA news agency in an interview published on Saturday.

“This is a path that we are busy discussing. We hope that during the negotiations and in writing the final draft we can reach an agreement on this issue in a serious way.”

He went on to say that agenda of the Iranian negotiating team is quite clear and any measure that is taken has the approval of the Supreme Leader.

“The issue of enrichment in Iran is our red line and we definitely consider our red lines in negotiations,” Zarif added.



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Tough nuclear talks ahead: Iranian negotiator

Tough nuclear talks ahead: Iranian negotiator

TEHRAN – A senior Iranian nuclear negotiator says that the next round of talks between Tehran and world powers over the country’s nuclear program will be “tough”.
In an interview with the Mehr News Agency on Saturday, Abbas Araqchi, the Iranian deputy foreign minister, said, “We predict that we will have tough negotiations,” adding, “No agreement will be reached without recognizing the Iranian nation’s rights.”

He also said that he had held a telephone conversation with Helga Schmid, the deputy of European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton who represents the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) in nuclear negotiations with Iran, on Thursday, in which they had made arrangements for the next round of nuclear talks.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Araqchi said that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif would travel to Rome on Tuesday to hold talks with Italian officials before the Geneva Talks.

Iran and the six major powers held a new round of talks over the country’s nuclear program in Geneva from November 7 to 9. The talks ended without agreement and the sides agreed to meet again on November 20 and 21.

Iranian foreign minister said on Friday that any talks with world powers that did not recognize Iran’s nuclear rights would not succeed.

“Any negotiations that do not recognize the Iranian nation’s rights and that are not based on mutual respect have no chance of success,” Zarif said.



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Iran’s per capita energy use is 14 times higher than Japan’s: official

Iran’s per capita energy use is 14 times higher than Japan’s: official

TEHRAN - The rate of energy consumption per person in Iran is 14 times higher than in Japan, an official at the research, scientific and technological department of the presidential office announced on Saturday.
“The amount of energy consumption in our country is 14 times more than Japan,” Ali Vatani told reporters.

This is in fact a waste of the country’s energy resources, he regretted.

Pointing to the lavish energy consumption in Iran, he said, “At the height of energy consumption we (also) use (a huge amount of) natural gas… which (together) amount to 5 million barrels of crude oil per day.”

Vatani also said an energy efficiency department and an oil, gas and coal department will be established to reduce energy consumption and achieve self-sufficiency in the oil industry.

The current oil consumption in Iran is over two million barrels of oil per day. High energy consumption coupled with substandard cars have caused serious air pollution in major cities.




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Oil slips closer to $93 ahead of new Iran talks

Oil slips closer to $93 ahead of new Iran talks

The price of oil slipped closer to $93 a barrel on Monday, ahead of the resumption of negotiations in Geneva on Iran's nuclear program.

By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark U.S. crude for December delivery was down 54 cents to $93.30 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 8 cents to close at $93.84 on Friday.
Oil has traded between $93 and $96 a barrel over the past two weeks, and is down from nearly $110 a barrel in early October.

Iran will resume talks this week in Geneva with six world powers — the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany — aimed at resolving a decade-long standoff over Iran's nuclear program.

Last week's negotiations failed to reach an agreement but the U.S. administration is hopeful that an initial deal with Iran can be reached in this next round of talks.

On Monday, a statement from the Kremlin said Russian President Vladimir Putin thought there was a "real chance" to end the standoff over the Iranian nuclear program.

Abundant crude exports from Saudi Arabia also weighed on prices, reinforcing the view that there are ample supplies on global markets.

"Saudi Arabia exported 7.84 million barrels of crude oil per day in September, which is the country's highest export figure for nearly eight years," analysts from Commerzbank in Frankfurt said in a note to clients. "The additional oil from Saudi Arabia is increasing the plentiful supply on the world market and is driving prices down."




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Iran will not retreat one step from its nuclear rights: Leader

Iran will not retreat one step from its nuclear rights: Leader

TEHRAN – Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that Iran will not retreat one step from its nuclear rights.
“I am insistent on the consolidation of the Iranian nation’s rights, including nuclear rights, and I insist that no one should retreat even one step from the Iranian nation’s rights,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in an address to thousands of basijis (volunteer forces) in Tehran on Wednesday.

“I do not intervene in the details of the talks, but there are red lines that must be observed, and officials are obligated to observe these red lines, and they should not be afraid of the enemy’s commotion and threats,” he added.

The Leader also said that he adamantly supports the administration and the officials who are engaged in the process of talks between Iran and the major powers over the country’s nuclear program.

On the economic sanctions against the country, he stated that the main reason behind the sanctions is the “hegemonistic hostility” of the United States toward Iran.

“The purpose of the pressure is to force the nation to surrender, but they are making a mistake because the Iranian nation will not give in to pressure,” he said.

“The sanctions will not be effective, and the Americans themselves are aware of this because they have always used military threats along with sanctions, and this proves that the sanctions have not achieved their purpose,” he noted.

He went on to say that the Iranian nation would make any aggressor regret their actions and would give them an unforgettable blow.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader strongly criticized the French government for following the Zionist regime’s policies, saying, “France once gained political credibility because its president stood up to Britain and the United States, but today French government officials not only abase themselves before the United States but also before the evil pariah Zionist regime, which is a disgrace for the French nation.”

Iran and the major powers were close to striking a draft deal on Iran’s nuclear program during the previous round of nuclear talks in Geneva in early November, but French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius caused the talks to hit a snag when he insisted that Iran must halt construction of the Arak heavy water reactor.



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Iran’s exports to Iraq hit $5.6b in 6 months

Iran’s exports to Iraq hit $5.6b in 6 months

TEHRAN – Iran exported $5.6 billion worth of goods to Iraq in the first half of the current Iranian calendar year, which began on March 21, the chairman of Iran-Iraq joint chamber of commerce said on Wednesday.
Jahanbakhsh Sanjabi told IRNA that Iraq exported $560 million worth of goods to Iraq during the mentioned period of time.

Exports of non-oil goods to Iraq amounted to $3.06 billion, showing 26 percent rise year on year, he said.

Some $878 million worth of goods were also transited via Iran to Iraq, he further said.

Iranian companies have won bids in Iraq to carry out $803 million worth of technical and engineering projects, such as building dams, bridges, residential complexes, power plants, and medical centers, he explained.

Iran conducted $45.218 billion in trade of non-oil goods with other countries during the first seven months of the current calendar, according to Iran’s Customs Administration.

The country exported $21.162 billion worth of non-oil goods (including gas condensates) and imported $24.056 billion of non-oil goods during the 7-month period.

China, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates were the three top importers of Iranian goods during the period, while the United Arab Emirates, China, and India were the leading exporters of goods to Iran.



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Iran dismisses UN draft resolution on human rights

Iran dismisses UN draft resolution on human rights

TEHRAN – Tehran’s Ambassador to the UN, Mohammad Khazaee, has dismissed a draft resolution on human rights situation Iran which was adopted by a UN General Assembly committee on Tuesday.
Khazaee said that the draft UN resolution “does not acknowledge the positive human rights developments in the Iranian society.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has taken a long-term approach and genuine measures to safeguard all human rights of its people,” he said, according to Reuters.

The draft resolution on Iran was approved with 83 votes in favor, 36 against, and 62 abstentions.

The draft resolution was approved by the 193-nation assembly’s Third Committee, which focuses on human rights, and will be put to a formal vote next month in the General Assembly.

While the draft resolution on Iran expressed concern at human rights situation in the country, it also welcomed pledges by Iran’s new President Hassan Rouhani on human rights issues such as eliminating discrimination against women and members of ethnic minorities and promoting freedom of expression and opinion.

It also praised Rouhani’s plan to implement a civil rights charter and encouraged Iran “to take concrete action to ensure these pledges can result in demonstrable improvements as soon as possible and to uphold the government’s obligations under its domestic laws and under international human rights law.”




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Tehran, world powers reach nuclear deal

Tehran, world powers reach nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran and the world powers have finally agreed on a long-awaited deal on Tehran’s nuclear energy program, after days of intense talks in Geneva.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton's spokesman, Michael Mann, also announced a nuclear agreement with Iran.

The Iranian foreign minister added that the nuclear crisis is abating.

The deal was announced on Sunday morning after the intense nuclear talks between Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- plus Germany, originally scheduled to end on Friday, entered into the fifth day.

The interim deal allows for Iran to continue its activities in its nuclear sites in the cities of Arak, Fordo, and Natanz.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry, the agreement also stipulates that no additional sanctions will be imposed on Iran because of its nuclear energy program.

Iran will also receive access to USD 4.2 billion in foreign exchange as part of the nuclear deal.

Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Deputy Foreign Minister Seyyed Abbas Araqchi, said the agreement recognizes the country's "enrichment program."

Araqchi had earlier emphasized that Tehran could not accept any deal that did not recognize Iran's enrichment right.

The landmark agreement was reached in Tehran’s third nuclear negotiations with the world powers since Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took office in August.




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Arab world welcomes Iran nuclear deal

Arab world welcomes Iran nuclear deal

TEHRAN – A number of Persian Gulf Arab countries welcomed the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program, expressing hope that it would help promote security and stability in the region.
Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Lebanon were other Arab countries that expressed support for the deal.

Qatar calls the agreement ‘an important step’

Qatar welcomed the nuclear deal, calling it a step toward greater stability in the region.

The agreement is “an important step towards safeguarding peace and stability in the region,” according to a statement by the Qatari Foreign Ministry posted on its website late on Sunday, Reuters reported.

“The State of Qatar calls for making the Middle East a nuclear weapon-free zone,” the ministry said.

Kuwait hopes deal will pave the way for a permanent accord

Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled al-Jarallah said he hoped the agreement “would pave the way for a permanent accord that would defuse tension, and preserves the stability and security of the region,” Reuters reported, citing Kuwait News Agency.

Bahrain says the agreement will serve regional stability

Bahrain’s foreign minister also said his country welcomed the agreement.

“This is an important agreement that will eventually serve stability and defuse any imminent crisis,” Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa said, Gulf News reported.

Addressing a press conference in the Bahraini capital Manama alongside his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu, the minister expressed hope the agreement would “help banish the specter of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”

Shaikh Khalid rejected claims that Bahrain had concerns about Iran reaching a nuclear deal with the world powers, saying it was a new beginning to restore stability and calm to the region.

He added that Bahrain’s relations with the international community were not built on provisional regional alliances.

“Bahrain would like to have good relations with Iran based on mutual respect of sovereignty,” he said. “We do not change allies like we are in a market. We look for stability with our neighbors,” he said.

UAE hopes the deal will represent a step forward

In addition, the UAE cabinet welcomed the preliminary agreement on Iran’s nuclear program.

The cabinet expressed hope that the agreement would represent a step forward to a permanent agreement that would preserve the stability of the region and protect it from tension, Khaleej Times reported.

Saudi Arabia says the agreement can lead to a comprehensive deal

On Monday, the Fars News Agency also quoted Al Arabiya as saying that Saudi Arabia had said if Iran can prove its good will, the nuclear agreement between Iran and the West can be called a step toward a “comprehensive deal”.

Syria calls the agreement ‘historic’

Syria’s state media said Damascus welcomed the international community’s nuclear deal with Iran, calling it a “historic agreement,” AP said, citing a report from SANA.

The report quoted an unnamed Syrian Foreign Ministry official.

Iraq says the deal will help build trust between Iran and West

Iraq welcomed the deal as well, with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki saying in a statement that reaching an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program was a big step to promote security and stability in the region, Kuwait News Agency reported.

Maliki expressed hope that such agreement comes as prelude to eliminate weapons of mass destruction from the region, build trust, and activate dialogue that would best serve the two sides in nuclear non-proliferation and to recognize Iran’s right in developing a peaceful nuclear program.

The statement also emphasized Maliki’s full support for the agreement, including upcoming remaining steps to revive dialogue, understanding, and peaceful solutions.

Egypt hopes the deal would mark a new stage in Iran’s relations with its neighbors

Egypt also welcomed the agreement as a step toward a final agreement on the nuclear file of Iran.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman said this step came in tandem with an Egyptian call to render the Middle East region free from weapons of mass destruction, the Egyptian State Information Service reported.

He said Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi had stressed the call during the opening session of the 68th UN General Assembly.

Egypt believes the change in the Iranian stand was due to the election of President Hassan Rouhani, he said, adding that Cairo hopes the step would mark a new stage in Iran’s relations with the Persian Gulf Arab countries.

Lebanon hails the deal as a ‘positive’ step

Lebanese Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour also hailed the “positive” historic nuclear agreement between Western powers and Iran.

“This agreement dispelled the tense relations between Iran and the West,” Mansour told the Middle East News Agency.

“Iran has proven to the world its good intention through this agreement.”

TEHRAN – A number of Persian Gulf Arab countries welcomed the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program, expressing hope that it would help promote security and stability in the region.
Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and Lebanon were other Arab countries that expressed support for the deal.

Qatar calls the agreement ‘an important step’

Qatar welcomed the nuclear deal, calling it a step toward greater stability in the region.

The agreement is “an important step towards safeguarding peace and stability in the region,” according to a statement by the Qatari Foreign Ministry posted on its website late on Sunday, Reuters reported.

“The State of Qatar calls for making the Middle East a nuclear weapon-free zone,” the ministry said.

Kuwait hopes deal will pave the way for a permanent accord

Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Khaled al-Jarallah said he hoped the agreement “would pave the way for a permanent accord that would defuse tension, and preserves the stability and security of the region,” Reuters reported, citing Kuwait News Agency.

Bahrain says the agreement will serve regional stability

Bahrain’s foreign minister also said his country welcomed the agreement.

“This is an important agreement that will eventually serve stability and defuse any imminent crisis,” Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa said, Gulf News reported.

Addressing a press conference in the Bahraini capital Manama alongside his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu, the minister expressed hope the agreement would “help banish the specter of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.”

Shaikh Khalid rejected claims that Bahrain had concerns about Iran reaching a nuclear deal with the world powers, saying it was a new beginning to restore stability and calm to the region.

He added that Bahrain’s relations with the international community were not built on provisional regional alliances.

“Bahrain would like to have good relations with Iran based on mutual respect of sovereignty,” he said. “We do not change allies like we are in a market. We look for stability with our neighbors,” he said.

UAE hopes the deal will represent a step forward

In addition, the UAE cabinet welcomed the preliminary agreement on Iran’s nuclear program.

The cabinet expressed hope that the agreement would represent a step forward to a permanent agreement that would preserve the stability of the region and protect it from tension, Khaleej Times reported.

Saudi Arabia says the agreement can lead to a comprehensive deal

On Monday, the Fars News Agency also quoted Al Arabiya as saying that Saudi Arabia had said if Iran can prove its good will, the nuclear agreement between Iran and the West can be called a step toward a “comprehensive deal”.

Syria calls the agreement ‘historic’

Syria’s state media said Damascus welcomed the international community’s nuclear deal with Iran, calling it a “historic agreement,” AP said, citing a report from SANA.

The report quoted an unnamed Syrian Foreign Ministry official.

Iraq says the deal will help build trust between Iran and West

Iraq welcomed the deal as well, with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki saying in a statement that reaching an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program was a big step to promote security and stability in the region, Kuwait News Agency reported.

Maliki expressed hope that such agreement comes as prelude to eliminate weapons of mass destruction from the region, build trust, and activate dialogue that would best serve the two sides in nuclear non-proliferation and to recognize Iran’s right in developing a peaceful nuclear program.

The statement also emphasized Maliki’s full support for the agreement, including upcoming remaining steps to revive dialogue, understanding, and peaceful solutions.

Egypt hopes the deal would mark a new stage in Iran’s relations with its neighbors

Egypt also welcomed the agreement as a step toward a final agreement on the nuclear file of Iran.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman said this step came in tandem with an Egyptian call to render the Middle East region free from weapons of mass destruction, the Egyptian State Information Service reported.

He said Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi had stressed the call during the opening session of the 68th UN General Assembly.

Egypt believes the change in the Iranian stand was due to the election of President Hassan Rouhani, he said, adding that Cairo hopes the step would mark a new stage in Iran’s relations with the Persian Gulf Arab countries.

Lebanon hails the deal as a ‘positive’ step

Lebanese Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour also hailed the “positive” historic nuclear agreement between Western powers and Iran.

“This agreement dispelled the tense relations between Iran and the West,” Mansour told the Middle East News Agency.

“Iran has proven to the world its good intention through this agreement.”




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Iran, Turkey to cooperate on Syria: Zarif

Iran, Turkey to cooperate on Syria: Zarif

TEHRAN – Iran and Turkey plan to cooperate to help defuse the crisis in Syria, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in Tehran on Wednesday.
Iran and Turkey agree on a number of issues relating to Syria, Zarif said at a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu.

“One of the points we agree on is that there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis…. The Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey plan to cooperate in this regard,” the Iranian foreign minister said.

“All our efforts should be aimed at ending the conflict and brokering ceasefire in Syria, even before the Geneva II conference if possible. We should cooperate with each other to help the Syrian people which are in a very bad situation.”

The peace conference on Syria is scheduled to be held on January 22.

Turkey says ceasefire should be enforced in Syria

During the press conference, the Turkish foreign minister called for a ceasefire in Syria before the Geneva II conference, noting that it would pave the way for the success of the meeting.

Commenting on Iran-Turkey relations, Davutoglu said it is hoped that the volume of annual bilateral trade would reach $30 billion in 2015.

Davutoglu also held a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on the same day.




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Iran will never stop uranium enrichment: Rouhani

Iran will never stop uranium enrichment: Rouhani

TEHRAN – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that the right to uranium enrichment is the country’s red line and Iran will never stop it.
“According to the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty), we have the right to enrich uranium and we want enrichment for peaceful purposes,” Rouhani said during a live question-and-answer session on state television on Tuesday night.

On Sunday, Iran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) clinched a deal on Tehran’s nuclear program after four days of marathon in Geneva.

“The government is seeking to get the threats and sanctions lifted. We are seeking to have constructive interaction with the world and we will work step by step to reach the final agreement with the 5+1 group,” Rouhani added.

On the interim accord with the major powers, he said, “If we have had any progress in the nuclear issue, that is because of the supports and the guidance of the Leader and the people’s backing,” as well as the efforts by the successive governments and the diplomats.

He further said that cracks have been created in the sanctions regime against Iran.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Rouhani said many hands were at work to isolate Iran, “but today our enemies have become isolated and we are active on the international scene more than ever.”

He also said the entire region felt calm immediately after the nuclear deal was brokered between Iran and the 5+1 group.

The president also called on the Arab countries to be happy about the Geneva agreement as the accord would not do any harm to any Arab state and insisted that Iran is not after making a nuclear weapon.

“We have agreed on the principles. It means that Iran’s nuclear rights are reserved under the NPT. Iran can have enrichment activities. All sanctions would be lifted and other countries would have nuclear collaboration with Iran at the final stages. And according to the last clause (of the accord), Iran will be treated just like all other signatories to the NPT once the final deal would be reached,” he stated.
