Essential Words for the TOEFL


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n. change in position or direction
adj. shifting
v. shift
adj. shifty
Syn. Switch

The shift in the wind was helpful to the sailors.
Earthquakes are caused by shifting in layers of earth along faults.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
Lesson 13


n. someone who has an important official position
Syn. notable,VIP

Every dignitary in Washington was invited to the wedding.
All of the high ranking dignitaries attended the economic summit.
Flowers were presented to visiting dignitaries.
Many of the local dignitaries attended the funeral.
town dignitaries went to the city's gate to welcome Cyrus.


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adj. of great importance; extremely necessary
adv. crucially
Syn. critical

Favorable weather is crucial to a good harvest.
Having all the information necessary to make a good decision is crucially important.
This aid money is crucial to the government’s economic policies.
The work of monks was crucial in spreading Christianity.
The city of Neishabor played a crucial role in the history of Iran.
The conservation of tropical forests is of crucial importance.
a crucial moment in the negotiations.
The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.
a crucial decision.
sound planning is crucial to economic development.
at the crucial moment.
He further advised espionage as a crucial measure to stop Tehran's nuclear program.​


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v. to escape in a tricky way
adj. elusive (difficult to catch, find, or remember)
n. elusiveness
Syn. evade, avoid

The criminal has eluded the police for months.
Success has been elusive for the team.
The fox succeeded in eluding the hunters by running back in the opposite direction.
He managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into a river.
to elude one's responsibilities.
the thief eluded the police.
I’ve been trying to get her on the phone, but she is totally elusive.
Despite all their efforts, success remained elusive.


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adj. easy to see, usually because of some proof
adv. evidently
n. evidence
Syn. apparent, obvious, clear

It is evident that you are not feeling.
All the evidences point to the presence of hydrogen.
Despite her evident distress, she carried on working.
It’s evident (to me) that they have no experience in this work.
It was evident that she was unhappy.
It soon became evident that she was seriously ill.
It was clearly evident that the company was in serious financial difficulties.
It was evident to me that he was not telling the truth.
The growing popularity of the subject is evident in the numbers of students wanting to study it.
Bob began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment.
his anger was evident.
his leadership qualities soon became evident.
it is evident that you don't agree with me.


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v. to use completely; to expend all energy;very thorough
adv. exhaustively
adj. exhaustive (thorough; including all cases or possibilities)
adj. exhausting
adj. exhausted
n. exhaustion

Syn. deplete, use up

They exhausted their energy in 10 minutes.
The exhaustive report was acclaimed by everyone.
We had exhausted our supply of oxygen.
My patience is exhausted.

We’ve exhausted this subject (=said everything we could say about it): let’s go on to the next.
We are in danger of exhausting the world's oil supply .
Having exhausted all other possibilities , I asked Jan to look after the baby.
the world's oil reserves will be exhausted in a few decades.
my patience was being exhausted.

Common Errors:
An exhausting investigation finally revealed the cause of the accident.
An exhaustive investigation finally revealed the cause of the accident.
exhausting = causing tiredness: ‘Pushing the car uphill was exhausting.’ exhaustive = thorough; very careful



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کاربر ممتاز

adj. large in area or number
adv. extensively
v. extend (to offer; to make longer.)
n. extension (an extending; an additional part)
Syn. comprehensive

The extensive snowfall caused problems throughout the city.
The professor extended a warm welcome to the new student.
The storm caused extensive damage.
We’re having extensive repairs done to the building.
The story received extensive coverage in the newspapers.
The house has extensive grounds.
She has read extensively.
The house stands in extensive grounds.
Fire has caused extensive damage to the island's forests.
the extensive use of pesticides.
an extensive forest.
the extensive reforms undertaken by the government.
the buildings suffered extensive damage.
the motor had undergone extensive testing.
the extension of the copyright laws to cover online materials.


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کاربر ممتاز

adv. very; to the very end, the highest extent, to an extreme degree; very; highly
adj. extreme
adj. extremist
n. extreme
n. extremist
Syn. highly

When the concert was canceled, some customers became extremely upset.
He will go to any extreme to get what he wants.
I’m extremely sorry/angry.
Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.
I'm extremely sorry to have troubled you.
Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.
It is necessary to use extreme caution with chemicals.
extreme cold.
He had extreme difficulty getting hold of the ingredients.

Common Errors

Since he stopped smoking, there has been an extreme improvement in his health.
Since he stopped smoking, there has been a great/major/considerable/dramatic improvement in his health.

Doctors have to know about all the extreme new medical developments.
Doctors have to know about all the important/major new medical developments.

Extreme is NOT used with nouns which describe a change in state or condition


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v. to be in the presence of an oppose
Syn. confront

The mountain climbers faced grave danger on the cliff.
He finds it difficult to face his problems.
The manufacturing industry faces a grim future if it can’t increase exports.
We’ll have to face (the) facts — we simply can’t afford a vacation this year.


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کاربر ممتاز

n. any of the many parts of a subject to be considered;one of several parts of someone's character, a situation etc
adj. faceted
Syn. aspect

The proposal had many beneficial facets.
It was a multi faceted problem that challenged the entire student body.
One needs to consider the various facets of the problem.
He has travelled extensively in China, recording every facet of life.
the various facets of her personality.


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کاربر ممتاز

n. a person remembered for an act of goodness or bravery
adv. heroically
adj. heroic (extremely courageous)
n. heroine (female hero)
n. heroics (brave actions or words, often ones that are meant to seem impressive to other people)
Syn. idol

He is a hero in the eyes of his admirers.
They gave a heroic effort to no avail.
a heroine of the French Resistance.
Myra, the fictional heroine of The Women's Room.
heroic deeds.
heroic resistance to the evil dictator.
her heroic efforts to save her family.
Lawrence's heroic struggle against his destiny.
She portrayed him as a heroic figure .
America's present need is not heroics, but calm diplomacy.


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کاربر ممتاز

adj. something that cannot be reached or communicated with, difficult or impossible to
understand or afford

n. inaccessibility
adv. inaccessibly
Syn. remote

The summit of the mountain was inaccessible.
The dignitary's inaccessibility frustrated the reporter.
In winter, the villages are inaccessible by road.
A long flight of stairs made the center inaccessible to disabled visitors.
Stockhausen's music is thought to be difficult and inaccessible.
The bathroom is situated at the top of a flight of stairs, making it inaccessible to the disabled.
The country consists mainly of dense jungles and inaccessible mountain ranges.
These mountain villages are completely inaccessible in winter.
This textbook would be inaccessible to my students.


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کاربر ممتاز

adv. in a clear, easy to understand way
adj. obvious
Syn. evidently

It had obviously rained.
It was obvious that he had not practiced his oral report.


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کاربر ممتاز

adv. in a way that foretells future events
adj. predictable (if something or someone is predictable, you know what will happen or
what they will do)
v. predict
n. prediction
Syn. expectedly

She predictably forgot to do her assignment.
The government's predictions were accurate.
Predictably, he came late. (=it could be expected because he always does).
Predictably, no one was home when I called.
The snow had a predictable effect on traffic.
an entertaining but predictable film.
Logan's reaction was predictable.
Horror movies can be so predictable.
In the current economic climate it is fairly predictable that unemployment will continue to rise.
My dad's so predictable - every evening he comes home, has two Sandis, and falls asleep in front of the TV.
The drug is usually effective but unfortunately the side effects are not always predictable.
The movie was completely predictable - I couldn't wait for it to end.
There are few predictable elements to this conflict -- the only certainty is that the situation will worsen before it gets better.


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کاربر ممتاز

v. to find the answer, to find or provide a way of dealing with a problem
n. solution
Syn. resolve

They solved the problem in a way that benefited the entire neighborhood.
The solution to the problem was elusive.
Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.
the best way of solving our dilemma.
More than 70% of murder cases were solved last year.
attempts to solve a mathematical equation.
Simply making drugs legal will not solve our nation's drug problem.


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کاربر ممتاز

adj. appropriate, correct; convenient
adv. suitably
v. suit (to be acceptable, suitable or convenient for a particular person or in a
particular situation, clothes, colours etc that suit you make you look attractive)
Syn. appropriate

Her dress was not suitable for the occasion.
The agreement suits all the members of the negotiating team.
Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs .
There's a range of restaurants to suit all tastes .
There are countryside walks to suit everyone.
We have gifts to suit every pocket (=of all prices) .
Either steak or chicken would
suit me fine .
The climate there will suit you down to the ground (=suit you very well) .
suit something to something
She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience.
That coat really suits Paul.
Red suits you.
Jill's new hairstyle doesn't really suit her.


مدیر بازنشسته
کاربر ممتاز
Lesson 14


adj. more than enough, large
adv. amply

Syn. sufficient
ᅳopposite insufficient

There is ample evidence that the young man was speeding when the accident occurred.
She was amply paid for the work she completed.
We have ample money for the trip.
He was given ample opportunity to express his views.
You'll have ample time for questions later.
There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing.
She found ample room for her things in the wardrobe.
a house with an ample garden.
an ample bosom.

it is amply clear that he is not interested in buying the house.
there is an ample supply of food.
he has ample time to study.

Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.
Whoever finds the necklace will be amply rewarded. (=given a lot of money)



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کاربر ممتاز

adj. 1.having little rain or water, 2.not having any new, interesting, or exciting features or qualities

Syn. dry

The area known as the Sahara Desert is one of the most arid place in the world.
The valley on the leeward side of the mountain was extremely arid.
Water from the Persian Gulf is pumped to arid regions.
My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.
arid studies that produce no new ideas.
much of central Iran is arid.
his speech was long and arid.


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v. miss or keep away from
2. to prevent (something) from happening, or stop oneself from doing (something):
adj. avoidable
n. avoidance
Syn. avert

She could not avoid letting her feelings show.
The incident would have been avoidable if he had told the truth.
I swerved to the side of the road to avoid the other car.
To avoid the downtown area, turn right here.
These drugs are very dangerous; I’d avoid them like the plague (=never go near them) if I were you.
I swerved to the side of the road to avoid a collision.
Nuclear war is to be avoided at all costs.
He tried to avoid answering my questions.


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v. to show no fear of nor respect for; openly disobey; to refuse to obey a law or rule, or refuse to do what someone in authority tells you to do:

adv. defyingly
adj. defying
Syn. resist

I defy you to find that book in the library's collection.
The circus performer demonstrated her death - defying routine.
Andrew defied his parents and skipped school.
They defied their union leader and voted not to strike.
The acrobat seemed to defy the law of gravity.
people who openly defy the law.
it is wrong to defy the orders of a superior officer.


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v. to pass a law, to make a proposal into a law
adj. enacted
n. enactment
Syn. Legislate

Congress enacted the legislation during its last session.
The enactment of the laws was in the hands of the Senate.
Several bills (=plans for laws put forward for consideration) were enacted at the end of this session of Congress.
Congress refused to enact the bill.
the legislative branch enacts laws and the executive branch carries these laws out.


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adj. regular, smooth; in equal parts
adv. evenly
n. evenness
Syn. Equitable

The sound isn't even turn up the left speaker.
The profits were divided evenly among the investors.
Divide the dough into three even amounts.
an even distribution of wealth.


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کاربر ممتاز

v. to pretend to have or be, make believe
adj. feigned
Syn. simulate

She feigned illness when it was time to visit the dentist.
Her unhappiness was feigned.
He feigned death to escape capture.
Feigning a headache, I went upstairs to my room.
she feigned to be asleep.
she feigned herself to be sick.

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