ترجمه رایگان سایت ها و متن های انگلیسی!!!


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google ترجمه متن فارسی به زبان های دیگر و بالعکس را حرفه ای تر کرد


عضو جدید
google ترجمه متن فارسی به زبان های دیگر و بالعکس را حرفه ای تر کرد

این یک ترجمه ایی هستش که یکی از سایت ها از صحبتای آقای خامنه ایی به کمک این ابزار به انگلیسی برگردونده : (البته این فقط یک بخشش هستش)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
My Basiji children, I want you hamle kard tomorrow to Demonstration of Zedde-Enghelaab, related to Doshman and USA Jenaayatkaar and Zionist Capitalist that give $10000000 to this Zedde-Enghelaab, like Zedde-Enghelaabe Gorjestaan.
You are free and your hand is open to Neshaandane Maadare Doshman to Azaa and kill everyone that mizanad harfe Ziyaadi and give Sho'aar, specially Allah o Akbar in PoshteBaam (that is only our Sho'aar, an nobody has permission to give this Sho'aar).
We have not Shoukhi with election and ghaanoun, and we won't to descend khare Sheytaan. We are ready to Sarkoub and we are not responsible. Responsible is the commander Poshte Sahne (Mr Mousavi).
We advise BBC Radio and VOA television to jam' kardane basaat. I am proud of you mellate iran that dar Aavard Pedare Aashoubgaraane Mozdour… (TAKBIR… Allah o Akbar, Allah o Akbar, Allah o Akbar … Ey free spirited Leader, We are ready, We are ready. Until blood is in our vein, Khameneyi is our Leader.
