لیست و نحوه دانلود هندبوكها و كتابهاي تخصصي مهندسي مكانيك


عضو جدید
يكسري كتاب ها و هندبوك هاي براي رشته مهندسي مكانيك

Engineering Mechanics , Statics - 5th Edition + Solution Manual
2-Specification for Welding of Presses and Press Components - ANSI/AWS D14.5
4-Strength of Materials, Part 1 and Part 2
5-Welded And Seamless Pipes - ASME
6-Power Piping, 2001 By ASME
7-Self-Organization During Friction: Advanced Surface-Engineered Materials and Systems
8-Nanomanufacturing Handbook
9-The Design of Rolling Bearing Mountings
10-CNC Programming Basics: A Primer for Skills/VICA Championships
11-The Mechatronics Handbook
12-Gas Turbine Theory
13-Pipe Drafting and Design: Using Manual, Autocad, and Pro-Pipe Applications
14-Pipe Drafting and Design, Second Edition
15-Using Solid edge v16 Tutorial Engeneering & Technical Drawing
16-Strength of Materials
17-Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition
18-ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel - Complete Code
19-Production Engineering & Machine Design
20-Welding Pipeline Handbook
21-Recent Advances in Mechatronics
22-The Practical Pumping Handbook
23-Machinery Vibration Diagnostics
24-Mechanical Engineer's Handbook
25-ASTM Standards series
26-ESAB Welding Handbook - 5 edition - electrodes
27-Handbook of Formulae and Constants 2007
28-Stainless Steel Welding
29-Shock and Vibration Handbook
30-Compressors, Selection and Sizing :Third Edition
31-Casting and Forgings-ASME Y14.8M-1996
32-Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication, Second Edition
33-Tecumseh Technician's Handbook - 3 To 11 Hp 4-cycle L-head Engines
34-Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and in Terminals
35-Mechanical Vibrations
36-Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics
37-Hanbook of Airconditioning and Refrigeration
38-Design Of Fluid Systems- STEAM UTILIZATION
39-Design of Fluid System-12th Edition
40-Vibration Diagnostic Guide from SKF
41-Force Sensors for Microelectronic Packaging Applications - Microtechnology and MEMS
42-Forced Hot Air Furnaces - Construction - Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
43-Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th Edition
44-Fundamentals of Robotics: Linking Perception to Action
45-Rotating Machinery: Practical Solutions to Unbalance and Misalignmen
46-ASME Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems,2003
47-Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach
48-Standards for Engineering Design and Manufacturing
49-Cameron Hydraulic Data
50-Sensor Technology Handbook
51-Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
52-Engineers' Guide to Pressure Equipment : The Pocket Reference
53-Multiagent Robotic Systems
54-Amphibionics : Build Your Own Biologically Inspired Reptilian Robot
55-Embedded Controller Hardware Design
56-Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS)
57-Metal Fatigue in Engineering, 2nd Edition
58-Lubrication and Lubricant Selection: A Practical Guide -Tips
59-Turbulent Flows By Stephen B. Pope
60-Hydrothermal Technology for Crystal Growth - Materials and Processing Technology
61-Programming the Finite Element Method, 2/e
62-Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems
63-ISO 4863 Resilient shaft couplings
64-ISO 11342 Mechanical vibration
65-ISO 8821 Mechanical vibration - Balancing - Shaft and fitment key convention
66-ISO 2953 Mechanical Vibration - Balancing Machines - Descrion and Evaluation
67-ISO 7919, Part 2,3,4 Mechanical vibration
68-ISO 1940 Part 1,2: Mechanical vibration
69-ISO 10814 Mechanical vibration
70-Jigs and Fixtures Design Manual
71-Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia: Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications
72-Cold-Formed Steel Design, 3rd Edition
73-Auto Repair Books AIO
74-Heat Treatment Procedure Qualification - Steel
75-Hardening, Tempering and Heat Treatment
76-Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings & Pipe TP-410 Metric
77-Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science: Metals and Alloys
78-Variational Problems in Materials Science
79-Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures
80-Materials Handbook - 15th Edition
81-Materials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and Packaging
82-Composite Materials: Design and Applications
83-Advances in Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers
84-Basic in motors
85-Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots: Dynamics and Control
86-An Introduction to AI Robotics - Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents
87-Springer Handbook of Materials Measurement Methods
88-Designing Sociable Robots
89-Solidification and Casting
90-Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions
91-Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics I
92-Nanocrystalline Metals and Oxides: Selected Properties and Applications
93-Nanotechnology Demystified
94-Electronic Basis of the Strength of Materials
95-Air Bubble Entrainment in Free-Surface Turbulent Shear Flows
96-MicroMechatronics - Materials Engineering, 22
97-Opto-Mechatronic Systems Handbook: Techniques and Applications
98-Engineering - Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps - Fundamentals with Applications
99-Fluid Mechanics with Student Resources, 5th edition
100-Thermodynamics and Kinetics in Materials Science
101-Handbook Of Comparative World Steel Standards 3rd Edition - Astm
102-Making Pistons for Experimental and Restoration Engines
103-Handbook of Pneumatic Conveying Engineering
104-Fatigue of Structures and Materials
105-The Basic Design of Two Stroke Engines
106-Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics - By Thomas D. Gillespie
107-Metal Machining: Theory and Applications
108-Building the TESLA turbine - 3 Rare books
109-Piping Guide by david sherwood
110-Fluid Sealing Technology - Mechanical Engineering
111-21st Century Manufacturing
112-Stirling and hot air engines
113-Tribology of Abrasive Machining Processes
114-Mechanical Engineers Reference Book
115-WELDING - For Arts And Crafts
116-Handbook of Machine Tool Analysis
117-Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1: Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
118-ASM Metals Handbook: Desk Edition
119-Multiphase Flow Handbook
120-Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow
121-International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research
122-HVAC Control Introduction
123-A First Course in Turbulence
124-Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design
125-Piping Engineering
126-Mineral Processing Design and Operation: An Introduction
129-Manual of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition
130-Hydraulic Power System Analysis
131-Principles of Hydraulic System Design
132-The Motor Vehicle
133-Handbook of Industrial Automation
134-The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, Sixth Edition
135-Dynamics: Theory and Applications
136-Handbook of Composites 2nd Edition
137-Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning
138-Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer Manual - EFEI
139-Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering : By Jack Walker
140-Anatomy of a Robot - McGraw Hill
141-Engineering Materials Volume 1&2
142-Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures
143-Applied Mechanics Dynamics
144-Handbook of Thermodynamic Diagrams v_1-4
145-Gigacycle Fatigue in Mechanical Practice
146-Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2001
147-Elevator Maintenance Manual
148-Slow Rarefied Flows: Theory and Application to Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
149-An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
150-Fluid Mechanics for Flow Metering
151-Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave
152-Mechanical Sytems, Classical Models Mathematical and Analytical Techniques
153-Mass Transfer: Principles and Applications
154-HVAC Water Chillers and Cooling Towers
155-The Piping Guide: For the Design and Drafting of Industrial Piping Systems
156-SCHAUM's Outline Series Theory and Problems of Machine Design
157-Multiphase Flow Dynamics 3: Turbulence, Gas Absorption & Release, Diesel Fuel Prop
158-Power-Plant Control and Instrumentation: The Control of Boilers and Hrsg Systems
159-Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis
160-Heat and Mass Transfer : By H. D. Baehr
161-Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems
162-High Temperature Strain of Metals and Alloys: Physical Fundamentals
163-Guidlines to Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
164-Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition
165-Statistical Mechanics, Second Edition :By R K Pathria
166-An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
167-The Technology of Glass and Ceramics
168-Piping Materials Guide By : Peter Smith
169-Piping Materials Guide By : Peter Smith
170-Manual of Engineering Drawing, Second Edition
171-Control Systems for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
172-Pressure Vessel Design: The Direct Route
173-Pressure Vessels: Design and Practice
174-Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics : By Keith D. Hjelmstad
175-Mechanics of Elastic Composites : By Nicolaie Dan Cristescu
176-Tribology in Machine Design : By Tadeusz Stolarski
177-Metals Ions in Biological System: Volume 39
178- Materials Selection Deskbook :By Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff
179-Valves, Piping and Pipelines Handbook, Third Edition By: T.C. Dickenson
180-Experimentation and Measurement
181-Machinery's Handbook 26 & 27th Editions
182-Jefferson's Welding Encyclopedia, 18th Edition
183-Marine Auxiliary Machinery, Seventh Edition
184-Rotating Machinery: Practical Solutions to Unbalance and Misalignment
185-Engineers Guide to Rotating Equipment, The Pocket Reference
186-Industrial Machinery Repair : Best Maintenance Practices Pocket Guide
187-Vehicle Crash Mechanics
188-Analytical Dynamics : By Mark D. Ardema
189-Analytical Mechanics : By Louis N. Hand &nbspJanet D. Finch
190-Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics : By Yasar Demirel
191-Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations
192-Handbook of Extractive Metallurgy
193-Corrosion of Aluminium
194-Implementing Concurrent Engineering in Small Companies
195-Fluid Mechanics, 4th edition by : By Frank M. White
196-Viscous Fluid Flow By: Frank M. White
197-Quantum Information: An Introduction
198-Introduction to Marine Engineering, 2nd Ed : By D A Taylor
199-Mechanical Reliability Improvement
200-Standard Welding Terms and Definitions: Terms for Brazing, Soldering
201-Smart Material Systems and MEMS: Design and Development
202-Compressors and Modern Process Applications
203-Pump Handbook, 3rd Edition
204-Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps, 3rd Edition
205-Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps: Fundamentals with Applications
206-Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps, First Edition
207-Compressor Handbook : By Paul Hanlon
208-Mechanics and Analysis of Composite Materials
209-Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, A Practical Introduction
210-Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics: Si Version 5th Ed By Michael J. Moran
211-Engineering Mechanics: Volume 1: Equilibrium
212-Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics
213-ASME B31.3-2002 - Process Piping - Code
214-Mechanical Alloying : For Frabrication of Advanced Engineering Materials
215-Service Design for Six Sigma
216-Fundamentals and Technology of Combustion
217-Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYS
218-Rotordynamics By Agnieszka Muszynska
219-Marine Structural Design
220-Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Second Edition
221-Design for Six Sigma
222-Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites: Materials, Processing and Technology
223-Welding Processes Handbook
224-Wind Loading of Structures
225-Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components
226-Design for Manufacturability Handbook _ By James G. Bralla
227-Handbook of Cathodic Corrosion Protection
228-Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Handbook
229-Distillation Theory and its Application to Optimal Design of Separation Units
230-Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering
231-Valves, Piping and Pipelines Handbook, Third Edition
232-Hydraulic Design Manual
233-Boiler Operator's Handbook
234-Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 7th Edition
235-Shaft Alignment Handbook, Third Edition
236-Cam Design Handbook: Dynamics and Accuracy _ H. A. Rothbart
237-HVAC Controls: Operation and Maintenance - 3rd Edition
238-Building a Gas Fired Crucible Furnace
239-Fatigue testing and analysis,theory and practice
240-Turbomachinery: Design and Theory
241-The John Zink Combustion Handbook
242-The Finite Element Method for Fluid Dynamics, Sixth Edition



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چگونه دانلود کنیم

چگونه دانلود کنیم

این کتاب ها تماماً در سایت rapidshare میباشد.شما می توانید برای دانلود فایل های مورد نظر خود مجاناً و یا به صورت اشتراکی از این سایت استفاده کنید ،توجه کنید برای دانلود free(رایگان) سایت اجازه استفاده از نرم افزار های پشتیبانی دانلود مانند IDMو... را نمی دهد


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این کتاب ها تماماً در سایت rapidshare میباشد.شما می توانید برای دانلود فایل های مورد نظر خود مجاناً و یا به صورت اشتراکی از این سایت استفاده کنید ،توجه کنید برای دانلود free(رایگان) سایت اجازه استفاده از نرم افزار های پشتیبانی دانلود مانند IDMو... را نمی دهد
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عضو جدید
sohrabi_never عزیز ...
بابا لاقل با ذکر منبع بزار اینا رو ...
اسمی از انجمن پر محتوای iranmatrix هم میاوردی بد نمیشد ...


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(STANDARD SUPER SET(GOLDاستاندار سوپر ست ورژن گلد

(STANDARD SUPER SET(GOLDاستاندار سوپر ست ورژن گلد

بالاخره ورژن جدید STANDARD SUPER SET آماده شد.از قابلیتهای جدید این برنامه جستجوی یک کلمه خاص از بین ۱۵ هزار استاندارد می باشد. دیکشنری ۲ زمانه -سرچ نام استاندارد و نشان دادن توضیحات آن استاندارد و سرچ کلمه و لیست کردن استانداردها به تناسب آن موضوع-

با این دیکشنری شما میتوانید به 15 هزار استاندارد ASTM ,ASME,ANSI یعنی یک مجموعه کامل دسترسی داشته باشید.سایر استانداردها نیز بصورت گلچین گنجاده شده که این مجموعه روز به روز در حال کاملتر شدن می باشد.هم چنین مجموعه ایی از مخفف های معروف در سیستم پایپینگ نیز به این برنامه اضافه شده است.شما قادر خواهید بود کلمه ایی را از بین هزاران استاندارد جستجو نموده و سپس از بین مجموعه جدید که کلمه شما در همه آنها وجود دارد میتوانید با کلمات دیگر جستجوی خود را محدودتر کنید.در واقع این مجموعه گنیجینه اطلاعات مهندسی شما خواهد بود.این دیکشنری در دنیا بی نظیر بوده و نمونه خارجی ندارد.مثلا میتوانید به سادگی بفهمید که استاندارد B16.20 در مورد چه موضوعی است یا چه استانداردهای در مورد کربن استیل ها یا رنگ و یا هر چه که شما به دنبال آن میگردید می باشد.قیمت این برنامه که بسیار کم حجم است 50 هزار تومان میباشد.همچنین شما میتوانید با واریز 5 هزار تومان از نسخه دمو که 11 بار به شما اجازه استفاده میدهد نیز استفاده نمایید.شرایط خرید در ادامه مطلب..
This program is an engineering dictionary which supports the standard of ASTM-ASME/ANSI-API-MSS-NACE and it is a unique collection that has been included more than 15 thousands of different section.With this program, you are able to write the name of the standard and then you can see the relevant Explanation or you can search one word among thousands of standard and you continue this process until you will finally find the different word that you follow


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سلام دوست عزيز خوبي من از شما يك سوال داشتم
من ميخواستم ببينم كه رشته مكانيك سيالات تا مقطع كارشناسي بايد چند تا واحد پاس كني در ضمن چه دروسي بايد پاس شود ممنون مي شوم اگه نام دروسي هم كه بايد پاش بشود رو برام بنويسيد چه عمومي چه تخصصي با تشكر


عضو جدید
اگه حجم فایل هاتون حداکثر 20 Mg هستش میتونین از rapidbaz.com برادانلود اونا استفاده کنین ولی اکانت رپیدشر چون تو ایران کریدیت کارت و از این حرفانیس میتونین از جاهایی که اکانت رپیدشر می فروشن بخرین یا تو همین سایت عضو شین که اونم پولیه!


عضو جدید


عضو جدید
agha in 2 ta ketabo mitooni baram peyda koni plz
Analysis and performance of fiber composites

Stress analysis of fiber-reinforced composite materials
By: hyer M. W.


عضو جدید
;كمك فوري لطفا

;كمك فوري لطفا

سلام دوستان
من به دنبال يك جزوه يا مرجع فارسي در باب (( انتقال حرارت پيشرفته – تشعشع)) يا همون Radiation Heat Transfer هستم. اگه مي تونيد كمكي به من بكنيد لطفا با ايميل CFD_Safaiy@yahoo.com با من تماس بگيريد. اگر هم جزوه غير الكترونيك (كاغذي) دارين، به من بگين تا هزينه پست و كپي اش رو واستون بريزم.

مرسي از لطفتون​


عضو جدید

با سلام من به کتاب های زیر نیاز دارم که یکی از آنها در سایت شما وجود دارد ولی لینک آن غیر فعال است لطفا کمک بفرمایید مرسی
Mineral processing plant design, practice, and control

Principles of mineral processing

Mineral Processing Design and Operation: An Introduction


mohandes md

عضو جدید
search book

search book

سلام من کتاب مکانیک سیالات استریتررومیخوام به لاتین جسارته ولی زودمیخوامش کمکم کنید.:razz:


عضو جدید
لطفآ کتاب
139-Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering : By Jack Walker
CNC Programming Basics: A Primer for Skills/VICA Championships
Standards for Engineering Design and Manufacturing
mechanics of materials by carig
را برام ارسال کنید ممنون میشم
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